I've always wanted to contribute something to JRuby so I was looking through
JIRA and noticed that JRuby still does not have the WIN32OLE api, I thought
maybe that is something I could try and implement.  I quickly discovered
that I'm not totally sure how to go about this though.  I was trying to look
at some of the other ruby standard lib classes that have been created, but
I'm hoping I could get a little help here.  My two main questions are about
the @JRubyMethod annotation and the actual method parameters.  It seems like
some methods take a ThreadContext object while some don't.  Take for example
this method from the WIN32OLE class:

WIN32OLE.connect('Excel.Application') # => WIN32OLE object which
represents running Excel.

What would the method signature for that look like?  I'm guessing this would
be a static Java method, but I'm not sure.  Would there just be one
parameter in the Java code?  Would it be an IRubyObject or would be be a
RubyString?  I looked on the JRuby wiki but I didn't really see anything
about this.  If there is more information out there you can just point me in
that direction.  Thanks for any help.


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