Here is my point of view about this subject.

We're comparing different things here.

RubyGems can be compared to Maven but I don't think Bundler has anything similar in other languages I know about.

Bundler will generate a Gemfile.lock that will assure that the exact dependencies versions can be replicated in other environments.

Until recently Maven didn't support adding dependencies like '>= 1.2' like RubyGems supported. Now it supports but I still believe there is no such tool like Bundler for Maven yet.

So we shouldn't be comparing different tools as if they were the same thing. Bundler is quite different from Maven for us to compare them both. Maven can be compared to RubyGems and in fact JRuby RubyGems already was patched to support installing Maven artifacts as Ruby gems.

What is still missing is adding support for Bundler to also be able to manage Maven artifacts specified in the Gemfile.


Em 27-03-2012 12:10, Peter Fitzgibbons escreveu:
I may be a biased editor... I personally believe RubyGems is broken, certainly around dep-resolution. I point to CPAN a lot as an example of library repository that sums up all the best-practices.
Maven may do the same, though I haven't learned it.

I believe the existence and adoption of Bundler is a clear indication that the community needed to move beyond Rubygems.

Peter Fitzgibbons
(847) 859-9550
Email: <>
IM GTalk: peter.fitzgibbons
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On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 7:44 AM, Nick Klauer < <>> wrote:

    Wouldn't the simplest solution be to do what I've seen other
    projects do and just implement some wrapper around Aether
    (  I know that Leiningen's 2.x
    version that they are working towards is using it, and it
    simplified their API quite a bit in resolving dependencies,
    handling multiple maven repositories, etc., without forcing them
    to adopt the entirety of Maven's settings.xml and other configs.

    I think the point Kristian's making is that Rubygems shouldn't
    care about Maven deps, their layout, and Maven-related issues such
    as pom-only dependencies, transitive dependencies, SNAPSHOT
    versioning, etc., yet Maven shouldn't have to care about Ruby's
    idiosyncracies along the same lines, either.

    I think the crux of this issue is finding out how much one side
    will end up treading on the other to get the job done, and if
    there's a clean way to keep them separate.

    -Nick Klauer

    On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 07:20, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas
    < <>> wrote:

        It was a bit confusing to me too, but I guess he is saying
        that you shouldn't try to convert each maven artifact to a gem
        and let RubyGems manage the dependencies instead of Maven.

        Honestly I don't know what is the advantage of this approach.
        I mean, Kristian, why do you think the Maven dependencies
        management algorithm would be better than RubyGems or Bundler.

        Notice that I don't really care which approach is used, I
        guess the easiest one to implement should be taken.

        I just think that letting Maven resolve the dependencies would
        be weird as it won't know about the Ruby dependencies and
        won't be able to find out the better resolution like RubyGems
        or Bundler could do as they're aware of all dependencies.

        Could you please detail what approach do you think should be
        taken, Kristian?


        Em 27-03-2012 08 <tel:27-03-2012%2008>:11, Peter Fitzgibbons
        Can someone point me to a doc that decyphers what kristian
        just said?

        Peter Fitzgibbons

        On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 2:07 AM, kristian <
        <>> wrote:

            On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 5:36 AM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas
            < <>> wrote:
            > Finally integrating Maven to Bundler would be terrific.
            I would certainly
            > vote on this project!

            as long it opens the whole maven artifact universe and
            NOT tries to
            map an maven artifact onto a rubygem and hope that the
            quite different
            rubygems version resolution gives a somewhat similar
            result as with
            maven. (i.e. use maven for resolving the transitive

            then I would vote it too !


            > Cheers,
            > Rodrigo.
            > Em 26-03-2012 20 <tel:26-03-2012%2020>:45, aliaksei
            >> I would like to participate in gsoc as a student.
            >> I have the same difficulties as Benoit. But i'm
            interested in Maven
            >> support for Rubygems and Bundler and Runtime code
            optimization in
            >> particular.
            >> So, Is there any mentors of that specific projects
            that i could
            >> contact directly?
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