Ahh well *generating* the pom.xml from the ruby-maven sounds like a
great solution! That would certainly be less work to maintain over
time, and those of us maintaining it will have ruby-maven available

Let me know if there's anything I can do to rework AnnotationBinder
and the invoker stuff. Those pieces have bene in dire need of
refactoring for quite some time, and I'll make any changes necessary
to help the mavenization.

- Charlie

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 1:47 PM, kristian <m.krist...@web.de> wrote:
> ok,
> with tzdata I have better idea. the Constants.java is almost done already.
> the next big thing is the populators and invokers. the AnnotationBinder.java
> has hardcoded paths which makes life just a bit harder. overall the maven
> stuff will be first less efficient than what ant does, like the ant build
> has a lot of conditions which I just do not have in maven (maven just
> executes one phase after the other).
> about ruby-maven: I usually check in the pom.xml which ruby-maven generates
> as well, i.e. any user who has just maven installed can use the build
> system. only when you need to work on the build system you need ruby-maven
> to translate the pom.rb (Mavenfile) to pom.xml (and then ruby maven executes
> proper maven with that pom.xml) - so to say it is just a thin wrapper with
> ruby DSL around maven.
> starting jruby of the build is the tricky part - I guess I need to copy the
> jars into the right place.
> - christian

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