
On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter

> With this we've mostly drunk the full mvn kool-aid as far as modules
> and source layout, though there will be ongoing tweaks and reorg for
> nonstandard parts of JRuby. But I'm happy to see where this is going,
> and it seems pretty clean at the moment.
> FWIW the JRuby maven plugins snapshots *were* pushed, but were not
> specified in pluginRepositories section.
> I push a release next week - so please  report any problems with the
bootstrap here !!

Still remaining to do:
> * The "clean" phase for the "test" module wipes out all gems installed
> in jruby.home (lib/ruby/gems/shared). We should probably only be
> wiping out the gems we bootstrap with, or not wiping out this dir at
> all.

I made the cleanup to simple :( but in general it would be nice if mvn
clean would remove the files it created and copied somewhere in to jruby
directory tree. I did add this to openssl and readline but got somehow lost
on the way.

> * The Java-based unit tests still don't pass completely.
> * Dist artifacts need to be reassembled.

I will have a look at those. including attaching sources and javadocs jars
for deployment. and ensure we do not have any repositories in use for
deployment (better let mavne fail during deploy then have an artifact
online which can not resolve with central maven)

> * Continued tidying up of repository.
> * Additional submodules (probably) for:
> ** spec (or this may move under test
> ** lib/** (to allow building managing maven artifacts for different
> stdlib versions)
> ** bench (or this may move under test)
> ** tool (utilities for preparing releases, updating stdlib, etc
> At some point I'll review these threads to make sure we have not
> missed anything else.
one big question is whether jruby wants to use sonatype as well or stay on
codehaus ?

- christian

- Charlie
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter
> <head...@headius.com> wrote:
> > Updates... we're nearly there, I think :-)
> >
> > We have continue reorganizing the repository into maven modules, which
> > makes it possible to isolate subsystems more easily. This work is
> > being done on the branch "stripped_project".
> >
> > The branch has the following:
> >
> > * build_lib is gone (yay!). Resulting src dist is about *half* the
> > size it was before, and a shallow git clone is around 12MB. This will
> > continue to get smaller as we remove Ruby compatibility for 1.8 and
> > 1.9 (9k timeframe).
> > * The core of JRuby is in "core". This builds JRuby sources into a
> > bare jar that represents the base of JRuby with no dependencies. From
> > there we can incorporate the dep libraries.
> > * Two extensions have been made into submodules under ext: openssl and
> > readline. They get built independently and can have their own tests,
> > etc.
> > * The test dir will ultimately be considered another module used for
> > integration testing. This allows a separate phase for installing gems
> > needed for local development, etc.
> > * We have started using head versions of the JRuby maven plugins to
> > install gems. This will make it easier for us to do a 100% maven-based
> > bootstrapping *with* local caching of gems so they don't have to
> > redownload every time.
> >
> > Bootstrapping process will not change significantly from what is in
> > master BUILDING.md right now, but the modularity will make it easier
> > to manage separate phases of build that were jumbled together before.
> >
> > Issues at the moment with this branch:
> >
> > * the 1.0.0.beta1-SNAPSHOT version of the JRuby maven plugins has not
> > been pushed to any remote repo. This is needed to do gem installs
> > using the being-built version of JRuby. I may copy these snapshots
> > into localrepo until they're pushed, since I'm stuck at the moment
> > otherwise (and nobody else can build the branch without also locally
> > installing jruby-maven-plugins.
> > * The Java-based unit tests, which moved under core, still don't pass
> > completely.
> >
> > Today I'm going to try to get the branch back to where master is
> > (buildable using instructions from BUILDING.md and green on CI) so we
> > can merge it back to master and proceed from there.
> >
> > I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
> >
> > - Charlie
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