Hi Omnia,
Thanks for the KIP. This is a really nice improvement for administering large 

AS1: Besides topics, the most numerous resources in Kafka clusters in my 
are consumer groups. Would it be possible to extend the KIP to cover ListGroups 
you’re in here? I’ve heard of clusters with truly vast numbers of groups. This 
is also
potentially a sign of a misbehaving or poorly written clients. Getting a page 
of groups
with a massive ItemsLeftToFetch would be nice.

AS2: A tiny nit: The versions for the added fields are incorrect in some cases.

AS3: I don’t quite understand the cursor for OffsetFetchRequest/Response.
It looks like the cursor is (topic, partition), but not group ID. Does the 
apply to all groups in the request, or is group ID missing?

AS4: For the remaining request/response pairs, the cursor makes sense to me,
but I do wonder whether `NextCursor` should be at the top level of the responses
instead, like DescribeTopicPartitionsResponse.


> On 27 Jun 2024, at 14:05, Omnia Ibrahim <o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I would like to start a discussion thread for KIP-1062
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1062%3A+Introduce+Pagination+for+some+requests+used+by+Admin+API
> Thanks
> Omnia

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