Thanks for the feedback. I have added a concrete example to the document that I 
think illustrates the benefit relatively well.

The observation about scaling the workload of individual consumers is certainly 
valid. I had not really considered this. Our primary concern is being able to 
gradually roll out consumption configuration changes in a minimally disruptive 
fashion, including load-balancing. If the round robin strategy can be enhanced 
to adequately handle that use case, we would be happy. Is there a Jira open for 
the "flaw" that you mentioned? 

On 2/26/16, 7:22 PM, "Joel Koshy" <> wrote:

>Hi Andrew,
>Thanks for the wiki. Just a couple of comments:
>   - The disruptive config change issue that you mentioned is pretty much a
>   non-issue in the new consumer due to central assignment.
>   - Optional: but it may be helpful to add a concrete example.
>   - More of an orthogonal observation than a comment: with heavily skewed
>   subscriptions fairness is sort of moot. i.e., people would generally scale
>   up or down subscription counts with the express purpose of
>   reducing/increasing load on those instances.
>   - WRT roundrobin we later realized a significant flaw in the way we lay
>   out partitions: we originally wanted to randomize the partition layout to
>   reduce the likelihood of most partitions of the same topic from ending up
>   on a given consumer which is important if you have a few very large topics.
>   Unfortunately we used hashCode - which does a splendid job of clumping
>   partitions from the same topic together :( We can probably just "fix" that
>   in the new consumer's roundrobin assignor.
>On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Olson,Andrew <> wrote:
>> Here is a proposal for a new partition assignment strategy,
>> This KIP corresponds to these two pending pull requests,
>> thanks,
>> Andrew
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