On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 2:07 PM, Jason Gustafson <ja...@confluent.io> wrote:

> It would also be nice to discuss the way the current client
> versioning works and why it is inadequate for third-party clients.

My understanding of the java client versioning is that it is not
backwards-compatible. Instructions are to use a java client that is <= your
broker version.

The main inadequacy of this model is that some clients want to deliver
backwards-compatible client software. I assume that doesn't need an
explanation, but these are my reasons anyways: it makes users happier,
reduces maintenance burden, and avoids unnecessary client fragmentation.

The other inadequacy, assuming you did want to follow the same practice as
the java client, is that third-party clients are not versioned in lockstep
with the broker, so we cannot use a similar policy of "use a client version
that is <= your broker version". Instead, third-party clients must manage
and communicate the relationships between client versions and broker
versions independently. That is difficult and leads to lots of user


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