On Sun, May 7, 2017, at 20:18, Ismael Juma wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback Colin. Comments inline.
> On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 9:29 PM, Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > Hmm.  What's the behavior if I try to list the configuration for a topic
> > that doesn't exist?  It seems like in this case, the whole request has
> > to return an error, and nothing gets listed.  Shouldn't the protocol
> > should return an error code and message per element in the batch,
> > similar to how the other batch protocols work (CreateTopics,
> > DeleteTopics, etc. etc.)
> >
> CreateTopics and DeleteTopics are more like AlterConfigs and that has an
> error code per batch. For requests that mutate, this is essential because
> the operations are not transactional. I followed the same pattern as
> ListGroups, but that doesn't take filters, so MetadataRequest is a better
> example. For consistency with that, I added an error code per batch.
> > We also should think about the case where someone requests
> > configurations from multiple brokers.  Since there are multiple requests
> > sent over the wire in this case, there is the chance for some of them to
> > fail when others have succeeded.  So the API needs a way of returning an
> > error per batch element.
> >
> Yeah, that's true. For the AdminClient side, I followed the same pattern
> as
> ListTopicsResponse, but it seems like DescribeTopicsResults is a better
> example. I named this request ListConfigs for consistency with ListAcls,
> but it looks like they really should be DescribeConfigs and DescribeAcls.
> > On the other hand, with configurations, each topic will have a single
> > configuration, never more and never less.  Each cluster will have a
> > single configuration-- never more and never less.  So having separate
> > Configuration resources doesn't seem to add any value, since they will
> > always map 1:1 to existing resources.
> >
> Good point. I thought about your proposal in more depth and I agree that
> it
> solves the issue in a nice way. I updated the KIP.

Thanks, Ismael.

> I guess my question is more conceptual-- if these things are all
> > resources, shouldn't we have a single type to model all of them?  We
> > might want to add configurations to other resources later on as well.
> >
> I've been thinking about how we could satisfy the 2 requirements of
> having
> a general resource type while making it clear which values are allowed
> for
> a given operation. I updated the KIP to use a shared resource type in the
> wire, renamed entity to resource, but kept a separate class and enum for
> ConfigResource and ConfigResource.Type. They map trivially to Resource
> and
> ResourceType.

I still feel like it would be better to use the same type in the API. 
I'm curious what others think here?

> Also, I realised that I was a bit hasty when I changed Config to
> Collection<ConfigEntry> in the signature of a few methods. I think Config
> is the right type. It's a container for a Collection of ConfigEntry
> instances so that we can provide useful methods to work with the configs
> (e.g. exclude items with defaults, etc.).

Good idea.  Should we add a Config#get(String) that can get the value of
a specific ConfigEntry?

> Here's the full diff of the changes:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?pageId=68719318&selectedPageVersions=14&selectedPageVersions=11
> Given that we don't have much time until the KIP freeze and this is an
> important KIP to make the AdminClient truly useful, I will start the vote
> thread. That said, don't hesitate to provide additional feedback.



> Thanks.
> Ismael

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