I've just fixed it.

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:16, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net> wrote:
> You're right, I've just made the test.
> I think that feature should be eager.
> Let me talk of that with Guillaume as he made the change.
> Regards
> JB
> On 02/14/2011 12:14 PM, Uwe K. wrote:
>> Hi Jean-Baptiste,
>> config, ssh and management aren't really started by (boot-)feature. Their
>> bundles (defined in startup.properties) are getting started, not the
>> features.
>> You can see that by connecting via console to a freshly installed
>> instance:
>> The first time you issue "features:list" all features are "uninstalled".
>> The
>> second time (after the features-service started), you can see config, ssh
>> and management as "installed".
>> HTH.
>> Kind regards,
>> Uwe Korte.
>> jb-3 wrote:
>>> Hi Uwe,
>>> the startup feature are defined in etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg
>>> file (featuresBoot property).
>>> I'm surprised as config, ssh and management features are started
>>> succcessfuly at startup.
>>> I'm gonna make a try.
>>> Regards
>>> JB
>>> On 02/14/2011 11:35 AM, Uwe K. wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> in the trunk and karaf-2.2.x-versions actually the boot-features aren't
>>>> loaded on startup.
>>>> You have to connect to the console and issue at least a "feature:list"
>>>> command to get them installed.
>>>> As I  see, the default-activation was changed to "lazy" for the
>>>> features/core-bundle (with KARAF-443) .
>>>> Am I missing some point, or should this bundle not be loaded in "eager"
>>>> mode, to get it started and the boot-features installed?
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Uwe Korte.

Guillaume Nodet
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
Open Source SOA

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