
You guys released Karaf 3.0 RC1 a long time ago, eg

Jamie Goodyear posted on March 15, 2013
Karaf 3.0.0.RC1 released!

I would suggest to release a RC2 in the near future and then have the
goal towards the end of this year to have Karaf 3.0 as GA.

This gives time to get the new security implement right, as IMHO that
is really really needed for Karaf to be taken to the next level.

And the community to give the RC2 a test spin and feedback while you
guys get the last pieces ready for GA.

Also don't underestimate the need for documentation to go along. Is
there any Karaf 3 docs at all? Also people would need a migration doc

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks to Dan, we got the Aries release required for Karaf 3.0.0.
> I'm upgrading on Karaf trunk.
> I'm working on the latest mandatory improvement (KARAF-2496) now.
> So, today, I will:
> - commit both blueprint upgrade and KARAF-2496
> - update Jira to add 3.0.1 version
> - review the Jira and move to 3.0.1
> I discussed with Jamie this morning, he's ready to cut off the 3.0.0
> release.
> I propose to prepare the release and vote for next Thursday (it gives some
> time to latest fixes and tests tomorrow).
> WDYT ?
> Regards
> JB
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> jbono...@apache.org
> http://blog.nanthrax.net
> Talend - http://www.talend.com

Claus Ibsen
Red Hat, Inc.
Email: cib...@redhat.com
Twitter: davsclaus
Blog: http://davsclaus.com
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen

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