I guess you're responding to my last message.

The way I understand what you said is that we would provide a tool that
would generate a simple maven project with  a "feature" packaging, but
there's no way an archetype could generate a starting point for the feature
itself, because an archetype is mostly static reosurces.

I was thinking more about like a one-shot generation tool which would
output just the feature file based on an input project.  The feature
content would mostly be based on maven dependencies.

That said, I understand that both could be combined in a single tool, just
not an archetype afaik.

2016-10-21 13:11 GMT+02:00 James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com>:

> Isn't that what I said?
> "It might be nice to have a Maven archetype or something that would
> generate a "features module" from scratch, to give folks a starting point.
>  "

Guillaume Nodet
Red Hat, Open Source Integration

Email: gno...@redhat.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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