
I found that maven-surefire-plugin 2.20+ has some problems with pax-exam.
I'd love to investigate the exact cause, but didn't have time yet...
The surefire/failsafe issue is

And in my (jboss fuse) integration tests I stayed with 2.19.x.

Grzegorz Grzybek

2017-11-27 7:32 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>:

> Hmm, not sure it's related as we use the same KarafTestSupport in bunch of
> other itest.
> I will exclude the MavenTest for now, and investigate.
> Thanks anyway !
> Regards
> JB
> On 11/26/2017 09:50 AM, Giuseppe Gerla wrote:
>> Hi JB
>> although the tests worked on my PC, very often they went wrong on the
>> jenkins machine.
>> I did several experiments to find the problem, but it was very difficult
>> to
>> understand it.
>> What I understood is that for some reason the container is too slow to
>> come
>> up and the timeout of pax expired before. Why? I don't know.
>> At the end, I clone the activemq project on the jenkins machine, I start a
>> build and it works. So I did a diff between activemq itest configuration
>> and my itest configuration. The result was that I removed some
>> initialization from my itest:
>>          customOptions.add(junitBundles());
>>          customOptions.add(KarafDistributionOption
>>              .editConfigurationFilePut("etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cf
>> g",
>> "featuresBoot",
>>                                        "(aries-blueprint, bundle, config,
>> deployer, diagnostic, feature, instance, jaas, kar, log, management,
>> package, service, shell, shell-compat, ssh, system, wrap)"));
>> then also:
>>         MavenUrlReference karafStandardRepo =
>> maven().groupId("org.apache.karaf.features")
>> .artifactId("standard").classifier("features").type("xml").
>> versionAsInProject();
>>   customOptions.add(KarafDistributionOption.features(karafStandardRepo,
>> "scr"));
>> and I replaced "activemq-broker-noweb" feature with "activemq" one.
>> I rememeber that also surefire plugin version has a rule in this problem.
>> So I changed my poms as following:
>>   <surefire.plugin.version>2.16</surefire.plugin.version>
>>                                 <pluginManagement>
>> <plugins>
>> <plugin>
>> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>> <version>${surefire.plugin.version}</version>
>> <configuration>
>> <excludes>
>> <exclude>**/*AcceptanceTest.java</exclude>
>> </excludes>
>> </configuration>
>> </plugin>
>> </plugins>
>> </pluginManagement>
>>                          <plugin>
>> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>> <configuration>
>> <forkCount>1</forkCount>
>> <reuseForks>false</reuseForks>
>> <redirectTestOutputToFile>true</redirectTestOutputToFile>
>> <argLine>-Xmx512m</argLine>
>> <excludes>
>> </excludes>
>> <systemPropertyVariables>
>> <activemqVersion>${activemq.version}</activemqVersion>
>> <karafVersion>${karaf.version}</karafVersion>
>> </systemPropertyVariables>
>> </configuration>
>> </plugin>
>> I hope this can help you.
>> Regards
>> Giuseppe
>> 2017-11-26 7:17 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>:
>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>> not sure I follow you. You mean you change the itest on your local copy ?
>>> Regards
>>> JB
>>> On 11/25/2017 11:05 PM, Giuseppe Gerla wrote:
>>> Hi JB
>>>> If you remember i had the same problem.
>>>> After several week and several investigativo, i discovered some
>>>> difference
>>>> beteeen my itest and activemq itest. So i changed my itest sturtup. Now
>>>> It
>>>> seems solved.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Giuseppe
>>>> Il 25 nov 2017 17:44, "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <j...@nanthrax.net> ha
>>>> scritto:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>> randomly (only for this itest), the container never came up (pax exam).
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> JB
>>>>> On 11/25/2017 09:56 AM, Giuseppe Gerla wrote:
>>>>> Hi JB
>>>>>> what type of failure?
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Giuseppe
>>>>>> 2017-11-25 7:20 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>:
>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>> Our Jenkins jobs are not very stable (both master and PR) due to the
>>>>>>> MavenTest which randomly fails (but often).
>>>>>>> I will remove this test from master and move it to a dedicated PR to
>>>>>>> investigate (but at least it won't impact our nightly builds and
>>>>>>> PRs).
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> JB
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>>>>> jbono...@apache.org
>>>>>>> http://blog.nanthrax.net
>>>>>>> Talend - http://www.talend.com
>>>>>>> --
>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>>> jbono...@apache.org
>>>>> http://blog.nanthrax.net
>>>>> Talend - http://www.talend.com
>>>> --
>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>> jbono...@apache.org
>>> http://blog.nanthrax.net
>>> Talend - http://www.talend.com
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> jbono...@apache.org
> http://blog.nanthrax.net
> Talend - http://www.talend.com

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