currently debugging an issue. Maybe the bits I came up so far are
already sufficient for you guys to fix it, or you help me how to debug
this better.
In our distribution, we have these features

  0 │ Active   │   0 │ 5.6.10       │ System Bundle, Fragments: 1
  1 │ Resolved │   1 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Features ::
Extension, Hosts: 0
  2 │ Active   │   5 │ 2.5.4        │ OPS4J Pax Url - aether:
  3 │ Active   │   7 │ 1.10.1       │ OPS4J Pax Logging - Log4j v2
  4 │ Active   │   7 │ 1.10.1       │ OPS4J Pax Logging - API
  5 │ Active   │   8 │ 1.17.1       │ jansi
  6 │ Active   │   9 │ 1.0.2        │ Apache Felix Coordinator Service
  7 │ Active   │  10 │ 1.9.4        │ Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service
  8 │ Active   │  11 │ 3.6.4        │ Apache Felix File Install
  9 │ Active   │  15 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Features :: Core
 10 │ Active   │  20 │     │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxb-impl
 11 │ Active   │  30 │ 1.2.0        │ Apache Felix Metatype Service
 12 │ Active   │  30 │ 2.1.2        │ Apache Felix Declarative Services
 13 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Bundle :: Core
 14 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: ConfigAdmin :: Core
 15 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Features :: Command
 16 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Log :: Core
 17 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: SCR :: Bundle State
 18 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Service :: Core
 19 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Various Commands
 20 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Core
 21 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: System :: Core
 22 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.9.0        │ JLine Builtins
 23 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.9.0        │ JLine Reader
 24 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.9.0        │ JLine Terminal, Fragments: 25
 25 │ Resolved │  30 │ 3.9.0        │ JLine JANSI Terminal, Hosts: 24

What I noticed is that A LOT of apache LOG4J classes are loaded twice
in the JVM.
I turned on -verbose:class and saw this snippet:

org.apache.felix.scr.impl.logger.StdOutLogger source:
org.apache.felix.framework.util.ImmutableMap$1 source:
source: org.apache.karaf.features.internal.service.BundleInstallSupportImpl
org.apache.felix.framework.Felix$RefreshHelper source:
org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.Activator source:

So here is my suspicion: Whatever SCR does, it causes the Log4j2
bundle to reload all classes and activate again. This leads to all
bundles before the SCR to reference the first loaded log4j classes,
and all afterwards the refreshed bundle.

Can we prevent this somehow? Also curiously SCR uses its StdOutLogger,
which it shouldnt do.
Is this reload caused by the Service Tracker
org.apache.felix.scr.impl.logger.LogServiceEnabledLogger uses?

Ideas, suggestions how to prevent this refresh? I played with the load
order but it does not seem possible to get it right


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