Hi Fabian,

did you create a Jira about that ? It's for the tracking as I'm
preparing Karaf 4.2.3 ;)

Thanks !

On 17/01/2019 15:08, Fabian Lange wrote:
> Quick update, this apparently is still the case with Karaf 4.2.2
> Would appreciate if somebody knows a workaround. I am able to play
> around with startlevels, but I cant seem to avoid this.
> Fabian
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 1:21 AM Fabian Lange <lange.fab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> currently debugging an issue. Maybe the bits I came up so far are
>> already sufficient for you guys to fix it, or you help me how to debug
>> this better.
>> In our distribution, we have these features
>>   0 │ Active   │   0 │ 5.6.10       │ System Bundle, Fragments: 1
>>   1 │ Resolved │   1 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Features ::
>> Extension, Hosts: 0
>>   2 │ Active   │   5 │ 2.5.4        │ OPS4J Pax Url - aether:
>>   3 │ Active   │   7 │ 1.10.1       │ OPS4J Pax Logging - Log4j v2
>>   4 │ Active   │   7 │ 1.10.1       │ OPS4J Pax Logging - API
>>   5 │ Active   │   8 │ 1.17.1       │ jansi
>>   6 │ Active   │   9 │ 1.0.2        │ Apache Felix Coordinator Service
>>   7 │ Active   │  10 │ 1.9.4        │ Apache Felix Configuration Admin 
>> Service
>>   8 │ Active   │  11 │ 3.6.4        │ Apache Felix File Install
>>   9 │ Active   │  15 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Features :: Core
>>  10 │ Active   │  20 │     │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: 
>> jaxb-impl
>>  11 │ Active   │  30 │ 1.2.0        │ Apache Felix Metatype Service
>>  12 │ Active   │  30 │ 2.1.2        │ Apache Felix Declarative Services
>>  13 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Bundle :: Core
>>  14 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: ConfigAdmin :: Core
>>  15 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Features :: Command
>>  16 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Log :: Core
>>  17 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: SCR :: Bundle State
>>  18 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Service :: Core
>>  19 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Various 
>> Commands
>>  20 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Core
>>  21 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.1        │ Apache Karaf :: System :: Core
>>  22 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.9.0        │ JLine Builtins
>>  23 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.9.0        │ JLine Reader
>>  24 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.9.0        │ JLine Terminal, Fragments: 25
>>  25 │ Resolved │  30 │ 3.9.0        │ JLine JANSI Terminal, Hosts: 24
>> What I noticed is that A LOT of apache LOG4J classes are loaded twice
>> in the JVM.
>> I turned on -verbose:class and saw this snippet:
>> [5.580s][info][class,load]
>> org.apache.felix.scr.impl.logger.StdOutLogger source:
>> jar:bundle://12.0:0/!/
>> [5.626s][info][class,load]
>> org.apache.felix.framework.util.ImmutableMap$1 source:
>> file:/Users/fabian/work/karaf-dist/system/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.framework/5.6.10/org.apache.felix.framework-5.6.10.jar
>> [5.834s][info][class,load]
>> org.apache.karaf.features.internal.service.BundleInstallSupportImpl$$Lambda$412/0x00000007fecd0c40
>> source: org.apache.karaf.features.internal.service.BundleInstallSupportImpl
>> [5.834s][info][class,load]
>> org.apache.felix.framework.Felix$RefreshHelper source:
>> file:/Users/fabian/work/karaf-dist/system/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.framework/5.6.10/org.apache.felix.framework-5.6.10.jar
>> [5.970s][info][class,load]
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.Activator source:
>> jar:bundle://3.0:0/!/
>> So here is my suspicion: Whatever SCR does, it causes the Log4j2
>> bundle to reload all classes and activate again. This leads to all
>> bundles before the SCR to reference the first loaded log4j classes,
>> and all afterwards the refreshed bundle.
>> Can we prevent this somehow? Also curiously SCR uses its StdOutLogger,
>> which it shouldnt do.
>> Is this reload caused by the Service Tracker
>> org.apache.felix.scr.impl.logger.LogServiceEnabledLogger uses?
>> Ideas, suggestions how to prevent this refresh? I played with the load
>> order but it does not seem possible to get it right
>> Fabian

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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