On 09/05/2018 08:38 PM, Robert Munteanu wrote:

I'm using the demo Kibble instance to visualise code contributions for
the Apache Sling project. One thing I noticed is that Kibble things
we're 75% HTML, which is not right - we're a Java project.

I think it's due to the fact that we use gitpubsub and have registered
our github.com/apache/sling-site repository with kibble. That
repository's master branch holds all the HTML we publish, including
lots of Javadocs, Maven plug-in documentation, etc.

The easiest path would be to simply exclude the sling-site repository in your reports. If you're using a quick filter, instead of filtering on 'sling', you could do a negative lookahead and filter on 'sling(?!-site)' as the quick filter accepts regular expressions.

With regards,

Is it possible to exclude a certain directory from analysis, to make
the statistics more relevant?



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