On 12/26/06, Javier SOLA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We have a server running the latest stable version of Pootle running in
in http://pootle.wordforge.org. For the moment, and until we have all
the OOo localisation processes under good control (including upgrading,
construction of GSI files, etc.), we prefer that OOo projects run under
our control in this server (a dedicated 64-bit doble processor machine),
but later, we would be happy to see a dedicated OpenOffice Pootle
machine, either under the WordForge.org domain or the OpenOffice.org
domain. Charles is attempting to have his server at Arsaperta under an
OpenOffice domain, in which case (ands after we stop all the testing),
we woul be happy to pass all the OpenOffice projects there (if the
machine is strong enough to handle them) and to help Charles and Aiet
(who is administering the server) on installation and maintenance.

OpenOffice.org is a key project for WordForge, and we are prepared to
put many resources into it.

Can we discuss this in IRC at suitable time, with you, Pavel, Rafaella
and other i10n team members?
Can someone please organize this meeting? :)


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