
Charles-H.Schulz wrote
Hola Javier

Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. I now understand a
lot more about your position. I honestly don't know if transferring the
content of the Ars Aperta server to you and then back to the old server
would be useful, but as you may have understood the server my company
offers is not supposed to be the sole server out there, and we do not
wish to be a mandatory step for the OOo localizers. Besides, there seems
to be a couple of servers outside both of ours, so it may be hard to
coordinate them all (hence my proposal to put an URL redirection on all
of them).
IMHO, it would be better to keep everything together on the long run, if it is possible, so that there is a central point of reference for those working on OOo localisation, and to keep the statistics of all projects together, as it happens in many other projects. The future will tell us if this is possible or not, but I think that it is desirable.


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