Question... Ihave a drupal site and I use a module to allow certain users tolocalize strings on a per demand basis they can eeven sarch the string and localize from the result. I think this is a simpler way toapproach llocaization and is very easy to manage since you can add any language you need and just localize per visit.
Let me go back and gett he name of the extension and give it to you guys.

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:34:23 -0500, Laurent Godard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


thanks for responding

There will be 2 parts to be translated
- The easiest is the static part
- A more challenging will be to allow translation (and at term contributions) of the extensions descriptions
 Actually, it might be the opposite way round: Drupal can export content
to XLIFF files which you can host on a Pootle server to allow online or
offline translation. This can be hosted on the same server used for GUI
and Help localisation, so the whole community have one place for
localisation management.

This approach would be ok for point 1
But i'm not sure for point 2
btw, i don't know

In fact, we are looking for someone to analyze the translation possibilities of the site


Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of ES

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