Op Vrydag 2008-02-01 skryf Olivier Hallot:
> Thank you Friedel for you patience.
> Yes I'm still exploring the tool so I went finally to the verifications.
> I have some questions more since then:
> - some verifications are affected by the location of the keyboard 
> shortcut symbol (~). Is there a way to make verifications with this 
> symbol ignored or hidden?

Yes. The project needs to be classified as an OpenOffice.org project,
then many of the tests are adapted accordingly. Aijin, can you please
update the project configuration?

> - A way to skin or color-configure some special conditions:  approximate 
> translations, begin or end whitespace. Those are in pale gray, hard to find.

You can force your browser to use different styling for certain sites,
but perhaps this is not the most attractive option to you. We will be
finalising the release of Pootle 1.1.0 soon, and if you want to give
more specific ideas of what you have in mind and help us test them, we
might be able to incorporate that to the release. At the moment these
colours are not configurable inside Pootle, if that is what you wanted
to know. The choice of colour is simply to ensure that it doesn't
distract too much during normal work, but that there is way to see the
suspicious whitespace.

> That is it (for the time being, I plan to attend next tuesday irc 
> meeting...)
> Thank you.
> Olivier

Thank you for the feedback.


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