Hi all :)

I'm b-a-a-ack!

I have been too ill to participate, for some weeks, and am now trying to catch up.

Regarding the (outdated) translation reminder below, do teams using Pootle simply make sure their latest files are on Pootle, then their translation is automatically submitted for the release?

If not, what else do we need to do?

If so, that is a big help and means our current translation was submitted for the 3.0 beta, even though I was unable to follow the usual procedure. ;)

I'm very grateful for anything that simplifies participation for translators and language-project leaders. I have been able, for a couple of weeks, to handle my other projects, but there's just so much here you have to try and keep track of, and my head is full of holes nowadays. I hope we can simplify the overall workflow further in future.

Thanks for your help with this. :)


Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

On 02/04/2008, at 11:53 PM, Rafaella Braconi wrote:

this is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, April 3rd, is the due date to deliver all translated files for the OOo 3.0 Beta release.

*ALL TEAMS DELIVERYING SDF FILES*, please follow the below instructions:

- file an issuezilla bug to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', target milestone 'OOo 3.0 beta' , Component 'l10n' , Subcomponent 'code' , Issue type 'ENHANCEMENT'. Please don't attach
your file directly to the issue, but provide an URL / link pointing
to your file. Please do attach only if you don't have any other web
space available.

- provide sdf files which contain only translated strings and which containing both, your language and the
corresponding en-US source string. Please note that the en-US strings
have to be the same milestone as your translation.

- run 'gsicheck' on the gsi/sdf file to make sure that the GSI / SDF file format is not violated (format errors like wrong amount of tabs, shifted columns, ... ).
You can find the latest version at: http://ooo.services.openoffice.org/gsicheck/
usage: gsicheck -c myfile.sdf

*ALL TEAMS USING POOTLE, *please upload all translated files to Pootle (if possible, please avoid the merge option and use the overwrite option instead)

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