Hi Robert,

Robert Ludvik a écrit :
I was looking at http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/How_Tos/Regular_Expressions_in_Calc - this is a wiki page that helpcontent is referring to and we'd like to translate it (and others, too) and I have some questions: 1. is there any rule (written or unwritten) on how/where to create localized pages? I saw that FR NL group uses http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/FR/Expressions_Regulieres_dans_Calc and in some occasions there is a module name between FR and page name (like /FR/Calc/Page_name)

Well, our rules are (for sure ;) not the best example to follow because we have begin with only FR category and we are now moving the documentation to the international part, so it leads to some inconsistencies at the moment ;)

2. how do I achieve that "Slovenian" is displayed in the left menu "in other languages"? I saw that wiki has a tag [[fr:Documentation/FR/Expressions_Regulieres_dans_Calc]] on the top. Should I create "sl" category? or something?

From my own experience, you should create first your category from the NLC category here :
then, create a documentation part that will be part of the international documentation (you can use the template from here :
and I have change the FR part to reflect our work here :

From my point of view, we (FR) are missing the /how-to/ categorie and modules categories. But I'll look at this once the localization of OOo3.0 will be over.

Then to have your language added to the left side of the wiki, you have to add at the bottom of your page for English reference appearing on French menu
or to make the French reference to appear on the English menu
You see, you only have to add the locale [[sl:the_address_of_the_localized_page]] at the bottom of the English page to appear in the left menu of the international wiki.

Hope this help.

Kind regards

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