
Huda Sarfraz wrote:

Your approach looks correct!

Now I am trying to incorporate some of the translations into the build. This
is what I tried:

   1. Entered only one translation into the PO files for OOH680_m12
   (entered the tooltip text which appears on the OpenOffice Writer shortcut)
   2. Created the GSI_ur.sdf file using translate-toolkit 1.1.1
   3. Tried to merge the translation into the source using
   ./transex3/scripts/localize -m -l ur -f GSI_ur.sdf

I don't know exactly where your string is so I give you an example, lets assume your string is:

sc source\ui\src\attrdlg.src 0 fixedline RID_SCPAGE_PROTECTION FL_PRINT 248 ur XXX

Try the following:

-Look into the GSI_ur.sdf file and check that your new translation is there.
-Go to the sc/source/ui/src/localize.sdf and check if your string is there
- 'setenv WITH_LANG "ur" && dmake' in that directory, go to the sc/common(.pro)/misc/ui/attrdlg.src and check if your string is there

If your string makes it into the attrclg.src then the wrong src file is part of your insetallation set...

Hope that helps,

   4. Created the "ur" build

I get the ur build with the RTL layout, but I cannot see the translation
that I entered, and I did not get errors in the process described above. Can
someone please let me know how I should proceed now.

If there are any instructions available for incorporating translations into
a localized build, please let me know. I could not find any online, and I am
following the instructions I have found in the book, PAN Localization Guide
to Localization of Open Source Software which has a chapter on
OpenOffice.org Localization.

Thanks & Regards,

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