Hi Andre,

On Wednesday, 2008-09-17 14:17:07 +0200, Andre Schnabel wrote:

> > This list here of course would be appropriate,
> > also NL-leads should be able to tell how to process or whom to contact.
> > Olivier's request was unanswered though for 12 days.
> Because nobody knows the answer.

Maybe the question was a bit unspecific. "How to handle that" what? This
is not meant to blame the original poster, just a possible explanation.

> > I may have misunderstood the nature of the problem. What exactly are you
> > referring with "help how to fix bugs in localized resources"?
> > Respectively what was Olivier referring with "how do we handle that"?
> > Judging from his email address and .sig it is about pt-BR localization.
> Yes - but this might affect all other localizations as well.
> The problem is simple (the answer is not).
> Oliver identified a problem in a localized ressources (tmplates,
> spellchecker and maybe others). The question now is "where to submit
> the fixes"?

Depends on the resource. Templates and autotexts that are checked in to
CVS reside in the 'extras' module of project 'installation', so
submitting an issue to the installation project of type patch with the
template attached probably would be the correct approach, if the
responsible NL-lead does not have commit access to the main code
repository. May have to be coordinated such that only one person
maintains a specific file, because in the repository these are binary
files, so diff and merge are not possible.

Spell checker dictionaries are not part of the CVS repository. For
OOo2.x, dictionaries were scattered all over the world, see
This will change with OOo3.0, if dictionaries are repackaged as
extensions (many are already) they can be uploaded to the extensions
repository and tagged 'dictionary', for an URL see the same wiki page.

> You are right - you may ask native lang project leads. But afaik, noi
> nl project lead has this information. Next step is to ask here (as
> l10n cares about localized resources). Seems, nobody here knows the
> answer either. 

Well, somehow the initial revision must had been created and committed
to the repository. I assume (I really don't know) that somehow the NL
projects were involved with that, maybe with the exception of languages
for which Sun initially contributed templates.

> For spellcheckers - I had the same problem for German dictionaries and
> asked at [EMAIL PROTECTED] The answer I got was that I need "someone" to 
> create
> a cws and submit the updated spellcheckers to the "correct place" (I
> need to dig my mails for the localtion, if this info would help).

For dictionaries, the CWS part simply is a wrong answer, CWSs are needed
only for changes in modules that are in the CVS main repository. For the
"correct place" see above. There are already German dictionaries
available; however, it appears to me that this should be better
coordinated and organized and/or old revisions removed, as currently
there are at least 5 different German dictionary extensions available,


of which dict-de-DE _seems_ to be the most recent and decent.

It would already help if all agreed upon a naming scheme such as dict-xx
respectively dict-xx-YY where necessary, so users are able to quickly
locate the dictionary they need. Currently that is a mess, while some
localizations seem to have agreed upon that scheme, others do it
completely different.

> At the moment it seems, there is no project / subproject who is in
> charge of maintaining spellcheckers, templates ... The only way atm
> seems to be to find a developer who is willing to submit the changes
> (if she has at least a little kno0wledge about where to sumbit).

IMHO NL-leads should coordinate efforts within their project to maintain
the parts belonging to a localization, only for the last step,
committing templates and autotexts and so on to CVS, a developer is
still needed. I hope this will change in future and the 'extras' module
be split off from the main code repository, so NL projects can update
that independently. As in general localization should not have to depend
on the main code tree, but this is already under construction.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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