Le 6 nov. 08 à 17:54, Alexandro Colorado a écrit :

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Charles-H. Schulz

Hello Alexandro,
Le 6 nov. 08 à 17:34, Alexandro Colorado a écrit :

On 11/6/08, Charles-H. Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Eike, Alexandro,
Le 6 nov. 08 à 12:26, Eike Rathke a écrit :

Hi Charles-H.,

On Thursday, 2008-11-06 11:31:27 +0100, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

Hi I want to enterprise the valencian version of OpenOffice.org
localization effort. The idea is that they will work at the begining under the "es" version of the project but later they want to get their
own project under "va".

Please let me know what further steps needed to be handled to get the
language added to pootle, sungloss etc.

I was under the impression that Valencian was a Catalonian dialect and
build was already in the works inside the CA project... Jesus?

Should be, at least the Valencian UI localization was the reason we
implemented the ca-XV kludge, see
and discussion on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list back in October 2006.

Indeed. Valencian is offically a locale of Catalonian.
Alexandro, what's up with the "copyright" of Softcatala? I'm sure we can
work that out; but what I don't want is to "create" languages just
some would like to think they speak a different language from their

Those some are 5 million people. This is free software and we
shouldn't condition our support on what makes  better sense for us.
The miost imprtant thing is that they are only needeing our build
automate process. the localization is ALREADY done. This means there
are localizators different from Softcatala localizing and building the
product. So the only question is how to open the variable in the
system. You don't need to add a new project, just put the locale on
pootle and get it running omn the streamline.

Ah, so there is some build available, I hadn't understood that before...

We can have several locales to be sure, as Catalonian has several
(for instance, the dialect spoken in the Balearic island sounds more
different than the one spoken in Catalunya and Valencia).

I had proposed earlier to group those locales and builds (as it seems we will have several builds anyway) under the CA project which would be the
project of the "Catalunitat" more than the CA_CA project. In short:
- Valencian is a locale of Catalonian, and thus should not be separated
the Catalonian project
- there should be a different locale of course, but what would be the
for a different build whose sole difference would be the locale?
- I am open to suggestions but again, Valencian is not distinct from Catalonian to the point we can call it a language; but it is a dialect
belonging to the family of the Catalonian language.
- if there is "bad blood", then let's identify the real issue and solve
But that's management and politics, not technology.

I agree but first lest define what a new language mean for you. Do you
mean an actual project (ca-vx.openoffice.org). I am asking a new
language on the pootle web app. -- Aijin? And streamline to a new

It is not up to me to decide what a new language is. I'm an individual, not
an incarnated instance of History :-)
More seriously, I consider the ISO list of languages to be... the languages. As this list also identifies dialects (e.g. locales), I see that Valencian
is a Catalonian dialect, hence my initial position.

The localization is already done, there is not much we can do about
it. The government has a team that already localize and maintain the
build internally. The ES project can help them by mentoring how to use the pootle system so he can integrate it to our build process and have
better release schedules without much hassle.

Not sure what you need to know to open the project or not since the
localization is already done. Just new work would be ran on.

Indeed. if there's a build already out there, then it somewhat solves the issue. I would recommend the ES and CA projects to add a link to it then, that the Valencian team registers its build with the OOo project, and points to the users list of the Catalonian project for community support. Sounds

We want them to take the burden off the compilation by putting into
our streamline of QATrack, Pootle, distribution servers etc. --- not
sure if thats what you mean with register their build.

Well, it's one of the following consequences of that; but I am glad if they need to be coached; they will need a community for this. And CA and ES will be the ones.

PS: Maybe we can chat on skype and explain you better the issue at hand or IRC.

Sure, let's go on IRC #ooonlc.


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