Hi Mechtilde,
Mechtilde wrote:
> Hello
> I try a translation
> first English then if I have French
> sophie schrieb:
>> Hi all,
>> There is some German strings that I'm not able to translate, anybody
>> here can give me some hints on them? The word between brackets is the
>> one I don't understand.
>> 32011 Visitenkarten, blanko, [schnittgestanzt]
>> 6021 [Sichtreiter]-Etiketten, Stick+Lift
> Tab labels  Etiquettes pour onglets
>> J8871 Inkjet-Magnet-[Schilder]**
>> 083271/7 [Ordnerrückeneinsteckschilder]
>> 1681 [Kartonrückenschilder, schmal]
>> 1685 [Papierrückenschilder] selbstkl., breit
> Rückenschilder -> Spine labels -< Etiquettes de dos
>> LP734 Ordner-[Einsteckschild]
> These are the words I found

Thank you very much, it will help me to finish :)

Kind regards

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