You are mostly right. Anyways, I dont believe that there exists some
widely used software that you can FULLY rely on in production. Maybe
some space and military pieces ... ;)
Maybe then: these untested packages can fail with a bit bigger
probability than tested ones but are still much better in quality than
Microsoft Office? :)


On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 18:15, Martin Srebotnjak <> wrote:
> Hello, Marcus et. al.,
> I was warned again by Slovenian community about the wording of the
> Disclaimer on the download site (
> ):
> * 3.1.1 RC2 - untested full installation sets* *Disclaimer:
> The software in the following table is based on the final release but has
> not passed all final tests. Therefore it cannot be seen as a released build
> and should not be deployed in a production environment.*
> Firstly, "but has not passed all final tests" implies, that tests were
> performed but that the software packages listed failed them ("did not pass"
> = "fail"). Actually these builds were just not tested and there is no proof
> that they would fail those tests, probably the reverse is true, they would
> probably all pass tests if someone tested them. If not, language communities
> or users would be entering issues in IZ already.
> So we propose the following wording: "but were not fully tested" or "but did
> not undergo the regular testing procedure" or "but did not
> undergo the regular QA testing procedures" or something like that.
> Also "should not be deployed in a production environment" means that if they
> are used it is illegal or something, or your computer might explode. This
> might be very negative for promotion of OOo in government and civic
> environments. We would suggest something like this: "are not recommended for
> use in a production environment". One could insert also a "yet".
> These two issues might apply to one of the other two download pages if the
> Disclaimer is reused there.
> Just our two cents,
> m.

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