In data martedì 24 novembre 2009 12:14:31, ccornell - ha 
> > Is there a way to synch the english pages to the translated pages?.
> > It seems to be hard to track the edition of english page and then
> > update the translated counterpart.
> That's a good question, and one we've discussed within the Doc group
>  a few times, including at OOoCon this year.
> I don't know of any way to set up some kind of automatic
>  synchronization between source and translated languages within the
>  Wiki.
> There are some built in tools on the Wiki, and some extensions that
>  have been installed that may help a little, but as of right now, it
>  still requires a fair bit of attention from the translators.
> For example, you can "watch" pages - so someone who's translated some
> pages set a watch on the source language pages. Then they will be
> flagged when a page changes.  This still requires manual diffs to
>  find out what exactly changed.

No need to do this, if you have a translation memory that match all 
except new/changed sentences.


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