Hi Pau,

On Tuesday, 2010-03-30 17:35:58 +0200, Pau Iranzo wrote:

> Does this means that localizers decide the language code?

No. Usually the codes are quite obvious, but at a last instance
I approve the codes and also assign the MS-LCID of the user-space to be
used if there doesn't already exist one.

> I mean, if a team from Venezuela decides to start a new localization
> in Spanish and they say: "this is Venezuelan, code vz or qvz", should
> we accept that translation? Even knowing that this is Spanish from
> Venezuela?.

No, we wouldn't, unless there would be some similar political

> Valencian and Catalan are the same language

Well, tell that the Valencian language separatists..

> and there is already a code for Valencian locale: ca_XV

Which we made up as a workaround for this weird situation.

> (or ca-valencia accepted by the IANA). The
> Valencian localizers have been using qcv_ES in their linux distribution
> (Liurex) for a while avoiding whatever related to the name "Catalan" and
> using the qcv_ES instead.

That is the reason I'll now add qcv-ES for this l10n, so there will at
least be some consistency.

> It is very important for us (people who speak Catalan/Valencian) to be
> identified with the same code. It doesn't make sense to be identified as
> different languages.

Personally I have the same opinion, the language code should be 'ca' for

> The Valencian localizers should change their original code qcv for the
> ca-valencia or ca_XV and not the other. If not, the name for this
> localization cannot be "Valencian".

This is a political problem, and as a consequence we add these
workarounds and now add qcv-ES as well. Software won't solve political


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