
Would appreciate if anyone can please confirm that my understanding is
correct w.r.t the way the router haproxy image [1] is built.
Am i right to assume that the image [1] is is built as it's seen without
any other layer being added to include [2] ?
Also am i right to say the haproxy metrics [2] is part of the origin
package ?

A bit of background/ context:

a while back on OKD 3.7 we had to swap the openshift 3.7.2 router image
with 3.10 because we were seeing some problems with the reload and so we
wanted to take the benefit of the native haproxy 1.8 reload feature to stop
affecting the traffic.

While everything was nice and working okay we've noticed recently that the
haproxy stats do slowly increase and we do wonder if this is an
accumulation or not cause (maybe?) by the reloads. Now i'm aware of a
change made [3] however i suspect that is not part of the 3.10 image hence
my question to double check if my understanding is wrong or not.


[2] https://github.com/openshift/origin/tree/release-3.10/pkg/router/metrics
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