Vladimir, mind helping us to quantify this "need", please? To the best of
my knowledge, nobody has reached out to us with such a request except you
and Leo. Is it a gut feeling that is the basis of your justification or is
there an explicit demand from the community that I am missing? I also did
not see any users chiming in your voting thread. You have shared some other
Log4j 1.x forks in the wild. Are these used widely?

It would be unfair to claim that the PMC is hesitant to move forward with a
simple git setup plus some fix backports, the concern is much deeper than
this. Not to mention the extra maintenance cost it will put on the
shoulders of our limited development resources. (I know you've volunteered
for maintenance, but as you also very well know, we all will be
responsible.) I bet it is a matter of months people will start asking for
other fixes once we make a 1.x release. The uncertainty about the project
communicated will be massive and irrevertible.

On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 3:06 PM Vladimir Sitnikov <
sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ron,
> There's a need to move log4j 1.x forward, and Ralph Goers suggested
> that the way to go is to re-incubate it, see [1].
> Could you sponsor the project or do you want Incubator to do that? (see
> [2])
> [1]: https://lists.apache.org/thread/mlpb9v15r8qzpc58xnjn99r6tf9yy0p5
> [2]: https://lists.apache.org/thread/c2362g4m4m4y1n7zl444ncvhmfb9oy0m
> Vladimir

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