>Now we have a real issue: 1.x has LOTs of known CVEs.
>Could we refrain from theoretical discussions?

We document CVE-2019-17571/

Where is this CVE tonnage?


On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 10:39 AM Vladimir Sitnikov <
sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Volkan>To the best of
> Volkan>my knowledge, nobody has reached out to us with such a request
> except you
> Volkan>and Leo
> I think they just swallowed the pill that "1.x is marked EOL", and they did
> workarounds.
> a) make security team understand "the CVEs of 1.x are not that impactful
> for them"
> b) make internal forks that cut the problematic classes
> c) RedHat having their own fork
> However, now log4j went on the radars again,
> so I believe it is way easier (and better) to **fix** CVE than to keep
> explaining that
> "CVEs are not important in this specific case"
> I believe you might have access to the download stats for log4j.jar, so you
> can
> relate on the number of its usages.
> However, now I realize that the project itself is NOT dead as long as there
> are
> people that want to maintain it.
> It is not wise to say "log4j 1.x is dead" or "log4j 1.x is EOL" when there
> are people
> willing to maintain and release new versions.
> Note: I am not that crazy to do major refactorings in 1.x branch.
> So I figured out that releasing log4j 18+ ( :)))) ) would make the lives of
> engineers and apps way easier. They would have a drop-in-replacement that
> fixes CVEs,
> improves security all over the world, and so on.
> Volkan>I bet it is a matter of months people will start asking for
> Volkan>other fixes once we make a 1.x release.
> Now we have a real issue: 1.x has LOTs of known CVEs.
> Could we refrain from theoretical discussions?
> Just in case, if in February you observe 10 newly created PRs,
> then it would be a nice problem to have.
> If all the PRs turn out to be trivial (e.g. fix NPE in a special case, or
> fix java.version parsing for Java 17),
> then you could just merge them and release 1.2.19
> If the review would take noticeable time, you could just say:
> "sorry, I have no time for reviewing the change, please consider creating a
> new PMC for log4j 1.x".
> **everybody's** time is limited. If you have no time or desire to
> maintain/support/review/release 1.x,
> then just ask the others do to that (e.g. invite new people to PMC or give
> away 1.x to another PMC).
> It might be there will be 10PRs, and there will be *noone* willing to
> review and nobody willing to inherit 1.x
> Then the PRs would be just abandoned.
> For instance, the current LOG4J2 JIRA has 809 issues. I doubt you will ever
> fix all of them :)
> So I doubt the question of "what do you do with old issues" or "what if
> there are 100500 open PRs"
> add any value.
> Vladimir

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