Dominik> There are fixes for the flaws of log4j1 available: migrate to

How does migration help me if I want to get 1.x fixed?
log4j2 is a different product, created by a different team.
Why should I migrate to log4j2 at all?

Dominik>Is there a concrete need for log4j1 to be patched

1. I request to get log4j 1.x patched. I can't show my code as it is under
NDA, so you have to trust me here.
2. Enrico Olivelli:
3. 张铎(Duo Zhang):
4. Andrew Purtell:
and so on.

Do you know migration to 2.x is not a drop-in replacement?
It might require code or non-trivial configuration changes?
For instance, if the application extends 1.x appenders, implements
non-trivial re-configuration logic,
then it can't upgrade to 2.x in a matter of days or weeks.


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