I am not proposing to implement this right now. All I am after is an
agreement. Indeed we should pursue this route once staging is back to

On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 2:05 AM Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@apache.org>

> On Sun, Oct 22, 2023, at 21:54, Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
> > It has been a long thread and I want to capture the result: *there are no
> > objections to Piotr's proposal, right?* If not, please say so.
> I am not objecting, but I would like to point out that logging.s.a.o is in
> bad shape today, and I don't know why (in detail). I'd love to have this
> working again before we move on to a different system.
> If you know how to fix the system in a way that works with the original
> proposal in one go, I am okay with it, too. However, I am afraid we are
> touching too many wheels at once and navigating in a bad state.
> >
> > To avoid misunderstanding, I want to repeat certain points one more time:
> >
> >    1. All existing logging.apache.org URLs will remain as is – no
> changes
> >    there.
> >    2. Instead of using logging.*staged.*apache.org*/foo*, we will use
> >    logging*-foo.staged.*apache.org for staging websites.
> >    3. Log4j Scala, Kotlin, Tools, and Transformation website content will
> >    be moved from `logging-log4j-site` repository to
> `logging-log4j-scala`,
> >    `logging-log4j-kotlin`,  `logging-log4j-tools`, and
> >    `logging-log4j-transformation` repositories, respectively.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 10:03 AM Piotr P. Karwasz <
> piotr.karw...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Since now we have a fast release process It might happen (and it
> >> already did) that the voting periods for releases will not be
> >> disjoint.
> >>
> >> That is why I would like to introduce a convention on the procedure to
> >> stage websites and Nexus repositories.
> >>
> >> For websites I would propose:
> >>
> >> 1. Every Git code repository uses a different staging domain name.
> >> E.g. `logging-log4j2` would set:
> >>
> >> staging:
> >>   profile: log4j2
> >>
> >> which will result in a https://logging-log4j2.staged.apache.org URI.
> >> For the `logging-log4j-site` website repo this will also entail that
> >> it will have multiple staging branches.
> >> 2. The `asf-staging` should not be protected. Before staging a website
> >> the Release Manager would perform:
> >>
> >> git reset --hard origin/asf-site
> >> git push -f
> >>
> >> hence ensuring that moving changes from the staging branch to
> >> `asf-site` will be usually a fast-forward and a simple cherry-pick
> >> `origin/asf-site..asf-staging` at worst.
> >>
> >> For the staging Nexus repo I would propose using a comment to close
> >> the repo in the format:
> >>
> >> `<code-repo-name>` version `<version_number>` RC1
> >>
> >> For example Volkan used "`logging-parent` version `10.2.0` RC`" on the
> >> 1204 repo and we can easily guess what that repo contains. ;-)
> >>
> >> Piotr
> >>
> >> PS: Maybe we could drop the `*-site` Git repositories except
> >> `logging-site` and move their content to an `asf-site/asf-staging`
> >> branch of the corresponding code repo.
> >>

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