Hi Gary,

On Thu, 2 Nov 2023 at 15:42, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  * Jackson based layouts (JsonLayout, XmlLayout, YamlLayout)
> -1: I want the ability to log to XML (narrow use-case, sure, but handy).

Does it really need to be Jackson? Jackson is optimized for JSON, we
can easily write a SAX, StAX or JAXB appender in a couple of hours.

> >  * `log4j-spring-boot`:
> -1: Spring seems too important.

Are you sure you want to _veto_ a module removal based on a feeling?
`log4j-spring-boot` has 4 elements: a lookup, a property source, an
arbiter and an improved version of `Log4j2LoggingSystem`.
All these elements were submitted to Spring Boot by Ralph and included in 3.x.
So this module targets the users that don't want Spring Boot 3.x, but
want Log4j 3.x.


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