A) make a great Java to C# porting tool

db4o has already something like this, I think.
maybe the guys from db4o would give lucene committers a license?
or would it be bad to rely on none free tools like this?

or maybe there is already an equivalent tool?


I'm forced politely disagree with some of these thoughts, let me explain why:

I order for this technique to be successful it seems that there is as much work 
being poured into the porting technique as there is with the port itself. To my 
point of view it does seem like this is double the work for benefits that are 
perhaps not as good as they could be (I am not saying in any way that 
Lucene.NET today is not good, it is quite good and is the results of great 
efforts from a lot of very dedicated people) since it follows a java-style 
design which is great of the java world, but perhaps not always optimal for the 
C# world. The project should be doing one thing, either:
A) make a great Java to C# porting tool
B) make a great search engine in C#

As an example, it would be a hair-pulling experience to take Lucene.NET as it 
is today and use it on Microsoft Azure, an environment that is specifically 
designed for .NET applications.

As I said before, besides using Lucene.NET itself I haven't contributed much 
and only in discussions - I haven't committed any code. However I will say 
this: I personally don't know nor care about the Java language just as I'm sure 
many of you don't care about Prolog. In order to help out, I feel that I need 
to be able to read and understand the Lucene version in order to make the same 
stuff happen in the Lucene.NET version. This means I have to be both a Java and 
C# developer at the same time?

Mathematicians have been using math to explain algorithms for years, it is a 
universal language that is (to different levels) understood by all.

How those functional algorithms are implemented in a imperative language makes 
no difference, so long as they are implemented and produce the intended result.

I think that in the end, there should be at least 3 projects for Lucene:
1. The Lucene algorithms, in a platform-neutral language - let the search 
engine gurus implement how this should be done without having to worry about 
imperative programming and the hacks to get there - either a compiler or a 
manual model would be used to implement these algorithms
2. Lucene - Architecture of the project(s) - perhaps a lot of UML here in a 
format where it can be fed to quickly produce skeleton files
3.x. Lucene - language-specific versions

As Grant points out it is up to the community to make a decision, then let's 
all get together and see if collectively a decision can be made.

And for the record, I personally think that when an open source project has 3+ 
ports to the same language - there is a problem. What that problem is however, 
I won't venture in taking any guesses.

I make these comments for the good of the project(s) and it is in no way my 
intention to offend anyone and I salute all work and effort done thus far, we 
would not be here were it not for everyone involved.

Karell Ste-Marie
C.I.O. - BrainBank Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Thompson [mailto:pierogi...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 3:58 AM
To: lucene-net-...@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Lucene project announcement

I don't think Lucene.Net staying a line-by-line port is craziness. We're not 
saying that Lucene.Net is the one true implementation and there can be no 
others. I see Lucene.Net as part of a spectrum of solutions.

On one end of the spectrum is IKVM. If you want all the java lucene features 
immediately and the constraints of IKVM work for your scenario then great, off 
you go.
Then there is Lucene.Net. This is good if IKVM doesn't work for you, you want 
short lag time behind java lucene (yes this needs improvement but we're working 
on it), and ability to read java lucene books/examples and apply that 
relatively seamlessly to your .NET code.
Then on the other end of the spectrum is the forks (wrapper/extension/refactor 
etc.) that try to make things ideal for the .NET world.

I think it's clear there is interest and support for both Lucene.Net and the 
forks. They should both exist and be complimentary, not competitive. The forks 
provide greater flexibility and greater exposure so more users and contributors 
can get involved. Lucene.Net provides the benefits listed above and provides an 
avenue for features to trickle down from java lucene to the forks.

So bottom line there is no one-size-fits-all implementation. Lucene.Net (as a 
line-by-line) provides good value to a significant user base and (assuming we 
can optimize the porting) takes relatively little effort, so it is a useful 
part of the spectrum.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Busby [mailto:andrew.bu...@aimstrategic.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 5:06 PM
To: lucene-net-...@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Lucene project announcement

Dear All,

I have not yet spoken up on this issue yet but I felt that I could not sit in 
silence any more.

I completely understand the stand point of the current development team and 
agree with the goals that they are setting out to achieve.

Keep this index format compatible with the java version:  (check great work)

Ensure that an search on a .net version will return the exact same results as 
the java version: (check great work)


This is where the sense seems to end.   The "it must be a direct port of java 
stance" is completely craziness.

I am not taking about the use of java conventions, I do not care if a have to get a value 
using something with a prefix of "get", I am talking about not making the best 
use of the tool at hand in this case .NET

There also a clear indication that community  (maybe just the vocal ones) is 
saying we want to help be feel we can't or are not inclined to.

Open Source software is about enjoyment and a project that basically says if 
you want to help just translate this code file from java to c#.

Was this not a punishment at school? Translate this passage from Latin to 
English during your break time!

This whole discussion started because the lucence.net project made an announcement that 
we need help, it is not working.  It now appears that we are going to continue to carry 
on using the same model, isn't the definition of insanity "continuing to do the same 
thing and expect a different result".

If you are going to be getting an automated tool to do the work great, is a 
community even need? I doubt there will be much for anyone to get involved 
with, except fixing api conflicts between nunit and junit which can probably be 
scripted anyway.

I have seen several people rush out and create their own forks with big 
promises (I know one of them is even being backed by codeproject.com) would it 
not be better to try to channel all of the energy of these people on to a 
branch, homed within apache which is the best place for it and see what they 
come up with?

It is a no lose situation, the current trunk will continue as is but something 
great may appear that everyone is happy with and end this unrest.

Before everyone shouts that people should be putting their efforts into the 
current truck version, it is just not going to happen.  You cannot jump up and 
down and say that we are in charge, you must commit our way (it says so on the 
web page) or your energy is not welcome.

  I reality, watching the current events unfold, I cannot see much changing. Maybe one or 
two new committers but most people will just wait for the new automated tool to get 
setup, the java guys to fix the bugs and the tool to keep the versions up today or the 
current committers get really "pissed off" at continuingly coming under fire 
and give up (worse outcome possible).

Having said all of that, I just want to say thank you to all of the lucence.net 
committer that have got us to this point. Just should be proud of what you have 
achieved and that actually do have a community that wants to see the project 

Anyway just how I see things.



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