That's interesting. I did not realize we were going away from
ElasticSearch on that.

So, do we need to update the tutorial or some other super-obvious way
of what the next step is? (I haven't checked). Because one difference
between Solr and the Database is that create table is a standard SQL
command used in any database (for the basic use case). Whereas Solr is
a unique snowflake and we cannot expect any pre-existing knowledge

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On 2 November 2014 18:06, Mark Miller <> wrote:
> I'm sure after such a large change there are some things to smooth over.
> As far as starting with no cores or collections, I very strongly think that
> is the way to go.
> I've been working with a Solr checkout designed this way for a long time and
> I tend to just keep a text file of common cmd line entries around, one of
> which is a simple curl command to create collection1 and the corresponding
> command to remove it.
> Something that might make things a bit easier could also be an alternate
> developer 'run example' target that could also fire off a create for
> collection1.
> For other cases, I'd think of it like a database example - step one is to
> create a table named foo, not dive in on the built in table1.
> - Mark
> On Sun Nov 02 2014 at 4:34:57 PM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>> I hope this won't serve to interrupt the momentum for SOLR-3619 and
>> related work, just perhaps influence the direction.  What I'm going to
>> relate here probably is no surprise to anyone involved with the effort.
>> In response to a user's question on IRC, I wanted to take their
>> fieldType, incorporate it into the main example on my source code
>> checkout, and fire up the example so I could poke around on the analysis
>> tab.
>> I only had branch_5x, and it was a clean checkout, so I did "svn up"
>> followed by "ant example" and got to work.  The first thing I discovered
>> is that there's no longer a conf directory in example/solr/collection1.
>> I poked around for a bit, found what looked like a likely candidate
>> config, and modified the schema.xml.  Then I poked around a bit more and
>> learned that "bin/solr start" was what I need to use to get it running.
>> I was surprised to see that when Solr started, there were no cores
>> loaded at all.  Thinking about all the discussions around this topic,
>> this makes a lot of sense ... but it does make it hard to implement what
>> I typically use the example for, which is quick tests of small
>> config/schema changes or user-provided scenarios from IRC or the mailing
>> list.
>> I think the README or other documentation should probably cover exactly
>> what to do if your intent is to use collection1, modify it, and poke
>> around.
>> Separately, I noticed that there are a lot of java options used to start
>> the server, including an increase to PermSize.  In all my time using
>> Solr, I've never had to change that.  Do we have common problems with
>> the new startup script and solr version that require it?
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn
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