On 12/16/2015 2:15 PM, Upayavira wrote:
> Why don't people just upgrade to 5.4? Why do we need another release in
> the 5.3.x range?

I am using a third-party custom Solr plugin.  The latest version of that
plugin (which I have on my dev server) has only been certified to work
with Solr 5.3.x.  There's a chance that it won't work with 5.4, so I
cannot use that version yet.  If I happen to need any of the fixes that
are being backported, an official 5.3.2 release would allow me to use
official binaries, which will make my managers much more comfortable
than a version that I compile myself.

Additionally, the IT change policies in place for many businesses
require a huge amount of QA work for software upgrades, but those
policies may be relaxed for hotfixes and upgrades that are *only*
bugfixes.  For users operating under those policies, a bugfix release
will allow them to fix bugs immediately, rather than spend several weeks
validating a new minor release.

There is a huge amount of interest in the new security features in
5.3.x, functionality that has a number of critical problems.  Lots of
users who need those features have already deployed 5.3.1.  Many of the
critical problems are fixed in 5.4, and these are the fixes that Anshum
wants to make available in 5.3.2.  If a user is in either of the
situations that I outlined above, upgrading to 5.4 may be unrealistic.


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