I performed the following JIRA search and found ~955 issues:

project in (SOLR,LUCENE) and status in (Open) and fixVersion IS NOT EMPTY

Does it make sense that there are so many issues that are open and have a
fixVersion that is not empty?

I think these issues fall into a few categories (may have missed a few

* Fix Version < 6.0 - should either be resolved or have the fix version
removed since < 6.0 was released
* Fix Version == 6.0 - should be resolved or have the fix version removed
(most of the cases due to LUCENE-7271)
* Fix Version == 6.1 - assuming these are currently being worked on or
resolved if committed?
* Fix Version == master (7.0) - resolve or remove fix version?

Since LUCENE-7271 was completed, I think that it shows the problem a bit
more clearly. It looks like previously Fix Version == master was just used
arbitrarily to indicate some point in the future.

Kevin Risden

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