There will be a few false positives for these two JIRA queries (commits
that didn't fully fix the issue) but the three I listed above are there:

Check for Git commit:

project in (SOLR, LUCENE) AND status in (Open) and fixVersion is not empty
and text ~ "in lucene-solr's branch refs/heads/" order by updated

Check for older SVN commit:

project in (SOLR, LUCENE) AND status in (Open) and fixVersion is not empty
and text ~ "in branch 'dev/trunk'" order by updated

Kevin Risden

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Kevin Risden <>

> Here are three that I just happened upon and was semi familiar with:
> * SOLR-8097
> * SOLR-9058
> * SOLR-8878
> Looks like they just need to be resolved properly and fix the fixVersion.
> there might be just as many open issues w/o a fixVersion that warrant
>> equal review/edits.
> Yea that is probably true. I The recent work on JIRA and "Street Light
> Effect" as you say can be good to get JIRA cleaned up further :)
> I don't plan on putting much effort into it currently but definitely
> opened my eyes to what more can be done.
> Kevin Risden
> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Chris Hostetter <
>> wrote:
>> : I wasn't suggesting a blanket resolve of issues. There are a few that I
>> : looked at that should have been resolved and weren't. This would require
>> : some manual effort.
>> can you give some examples?
>> I was reading "resolved" as "FIXED" but if you're talking about issues
>> that could/should be marked WONT_FIX or CANT_REPRO or DUP then i suspect
>> you're just falling for the "Street Light Effect" ... the recent work and
>> 6.0 happened to catch your eye, and you notice some of those open 6.0
>> issues could/should be resolved, but that doesn't mean there is anything
>> special about open issues with 6.0 set on them ... there might be just as
>> many open issues w/o a fixVersion that warrant equal review/edits.
>> : Since there isn't a problem here that open and fixVersion doesn't mean
>> : anything together, I'm fine with just leaving as is.
>> I don't think there is, and i don't subscribe any meaning to it, but
>> that's just my opinion.
>> if other folks *want* to subscribe meaning to it that will be an uphill
>> battle unless some work is done to change our workflow and lock down jira
>> to prevent arbitrary fixVersons from bieng added to issues.
>> -Hoss
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