On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Yonik Seeley <ysee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I fee like I helped develop NumericField (although Uwe was the primary
> author)!

Sorry, you are correct: thank you for that!  I had indeed forgotten
that you helped
improve on Uwe's numeric fields, originally.

> all I remember is an honest technical opinion about if it should be baked
> into the index format

Yes, that is exactly what I am referring too.  Your comment stated
that we either
commit numerics in a buggy state (so users don't get back a NumericField when
they load their document at search time), or we don't even add a NumericField
at all (an even worse API for direct Lucene users).  Both options made Lucene's
numerics harder to use.

So of course we compromised, and the Uwe's numeric fields did go into core,
in the buggy state.

Fortunately we finally managed to fix that bug but iirc that took several

Mike McCandless


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