This is supported at the Lucene level via SortedSetDocValues.  Solr doesn't
yet support this for its TextField --   however you could work
around this with an URP or copyField or perhaps subclassing TextField so
that you can tokenize the text a second time to generate a list
of SortedSetDocValuesField.  Probably least painless is to use another
~ David

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 4:14 AM Toke Eskildsen <>

> On Wed, 2016-10-26 at 13:05 +0000, Adrien Grand wrote:
> > But we seem to still care a lot about uninverting, which does
> > not make sense to me since everybody should have moved to doc values
> > already?
> I might have missed something here, but doesn't such a switch mean that
> it will no longer be possible to facet on Text fields?
> We facet on 3 Text fields in our core index: Title, Author and
> Location. All of these fields use a KeywordTokenizer and multiple steps
> of normalising the input. It seems like quite an obvious setup, so I
> would guess that it is not uncommon.
> How would this scenario be supported if uninversion is removed?
> - Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark
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