I'm looking into https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-9972 which just 
came in.

From: dev@lucene.apache.org At: 01/16/17 15:05:45
To: dev@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: 6.4 release

You can still push bug fixes Alan, I'll create the first RC tomorrow if the all 
the builds are green.This will let some time for your patch to be tested.

2017-01-16 15:57 GMT+01:00 Alan Woodward <a...@flax.co.uk>:

There’s a small bug fix on SOLR-9906 I’d like to push, which should address the 
frequent failures in PeerSyncReplicationTest we’re seeing.

Alan Woodward

On 14 Jan 2017, at 14:57, jim ferenczi <jim.feren...@gmail.com> wrote:

The release branch for 6.4 is pushed so the feature freeze phase has officially 
I don't have an admin account on Jenkins so any help would be appreciated. We 
need to copy the job for the new branch. 

No new features may be committed to the branch.
Documentation patches, build patches and serious bug fixes may be committed to 
the branch. However, you should submit all patches you want to commit to Jira 
first to give others the chance to review and possibly vote against the patch. 
Keep in mind that it is our main intention to keep the branch as stable as 
All patches that are intended for the branch should first be committed to the 
unstable branch, merged into the stable branch, and then into the current 
release branch.
Normal unstable and stable branch development may continue as usual. However, 
if you plan to commit a big change to the unstable branch while the branch 
feature freeze is in effect, think twice: can't the addition wait a couple more 
days? Merges of bug fixes into the branch may become more difficult.
Only Jira issues with Fix version "6.4" and priority "Blocker" will delay a 
release candidate build.


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