>>For current patches, I think we could really benefit from a Patch
Available JIRA state. It would be a bright big flag for committers, instead
of making contributors have to hound us periodically to look. Additionally,
we could use that to start running precommit checks on Jenkins whenever a
new patch is put up. See Apache Yetus for how this might work.

+1. We should also consider running unit tests as part of the process.

On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Mike Drob <md...@apache.org> wrote:

> Wanted to follow up on this, since I've been steadily working away at old
> JIRA issues when I have some time for them. I think read through 100s of
> issues and closed about 20 as either duplicates or already committed, which
> is a tiny drop in the ocean of what we have open. In an attempt to cut the
> task to a more manageable size, I only looked at Solr issues.
> I'd like to adjust my earlier statement that most of the attachments are
> patches. Most of the really old attachments are patches, the mid-age ones
> are bug reports (indices, screen captures, logs) and the recent ones being
> actively worked are patches again. So, the situation isn't as bad as I
> imagined it at first. For a lot of these old issues, there's not much to be
> done going forward. I don't expect to have much traction asking
> contributors to rebase their patches from 1.x, 3.x or even 4.x onto the
> current code line, and without that many of them are just unworkable.
> For current patches, I think we could really benefit from a Patch
> Available JIRA state. It would be a bright big flag for committers, instead
> of making contributors have to hound us periodically to look. Additionally,
> we could use that to start running precommit checks on Jenkins whenever a
> new patch is put up. See Apache Yetus for how this might work.
> Is there interest in the community for this path? I'm personally a big fan
> of enabling static analysis and always like to explore ways to improve in
> that area.
> Mike
> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 3:33 PM, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:
>> On 4/28/2017 9:42 AM, Mike Drob wrote:
>> > Thanks for this hint, Alex.
>> >
>> > I ran the following JQL to get some idea of our current status:
>> >     project in (lucene, solr) and "Attachment count" > 0 and status =
>> Open
>> >
>> > There were 1500 results.
>> >
>> > 1500. I couldn't believe it. This is a huge number of patches that are
>> > out there.
>> >
>> > I did a spot check, thinking that a lot of these might be bug reports
>> > with error logs or screen shots attached, but nope. These are mostly
>> > patches. I'm going to try starting with the oldest ones to see if they
>> > can be rebase, have already been committed, or generally try to triage
>> > them. Would appreciate any volunteers that want to help.
>> This doesn't surprise me at all.  Many users submit patches for issues
>> they encounter, but for one reason or another, no committer action ever
>> happens.  There are many possible reasons.
>> 1) The patch has bugs or some other problem that makes it unacceptable.
>> 2) When the issue/patch is reviewed, one of these situations exists:
>>  a) Committers don't think it's worth pursuing.
>>  b) The code is behaving as designed.
>>  c) The committer cannot reproduce the problem.
>>  d) The committer doesn't understand the problem.
>>  e) The committer doesn't think it's actually a problem.
>>  f) A workaround exists that is just as effective as the patch.
>> 3) Nobody has had time to review the issue/patch.
>> In some of these situations, the reviewing committer should probably
>> close the issue with an appropriate reason ... but issue triage is a
>> difficult and unrewarding job.  Sometimes it just doesn't happen.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn
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