Also, just FYI, I say that as someone that kind of prefers patches and JIRA
for 90% of what I do. I’ve been doing this same shit for like half my life,
I’m not looking for fancy new tools for the hell of it either. I like
patches. It’s just going to happen. And I see a huge pool of free resources
in the meantime, wow those workflow limits are not too bad at all. I could
stop another new test that takes 2 minutes from coming in non nightly. Now
that’s practically interesting.


On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 7:39 PM Mark Miller <> wrote:

> I think that is a little over the top.
> As it is the majority of dev and pr's and action is moving to GitHub,
> whether anyone is from Syria or not.
> If we decided, like most other communities on Gods green earth, to tell
> our community we are going GitHub first it and expect committers to not
> avoid all of our checks by just sticking to patches, the practical
> differences don't have to be much beyond that. Apache GitBox is not going
> away, it's easy to clearly spell out that those without access to GitHub
> can provide a patch as we would allow any committer without access or moral
> quandaries the same obviously. Making how to contribute a patch and use
> JIRA alternate doc for those with GitHub issues is pretty low effort.
> JIRA is a little different, I'm not as sold on leaving it, but really it's
> the same thing if almost all of the dev community starts using it for the
> bulk of what would be in JIRA, already lots of JIRA related comments and
> review have gone there - most stuff is just split instead of "free and
> available" - GitHub is lacking, JIRA is lacking.  Given that every damn
> company and project is on GitHub, this is just the way it will continue to
> go. So leaving JIRA up for history and those without access to GitHub would
> be the same too.
> And if M$ does anything with GitHub, the universe will collectively move
> on, with 90% of the world in the same spot. Great opportunity will emerge
> if that happens. Join me in a startup :)
> It sounds great to be like, freedom, TOS and "Sad!" but practically it's
> all meaningless.
> This is happening and will happen. Like I once said Git was inevitable and
> just shut up until it came, this is the same.
> "Us" as a community deciding to embrace it just means 3-4 old curmudgeons
> in a year won't as likely still be holding onto old ways for the sake of a
> imagined victim. Anyone that doesn't want to accept the GitHub TOS would
> get the same deal as someone from Siria. They will get the same 2nd citizen
> experience they are currently enjoying and that will continue to grow.
> And whatever you say or whatever the day, the practical difference of what
> happens will be zilch except for one thing: some people will feel better
> about bucking the community even if they are not from Syria or morally
> against the GitHub TOS.
> I'm a big fan of the kicking of screaming way, but generally only in my
> personal life. Professionally, I like to embrace the practical.
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 4:59 PM Anshum Gupta <>
> wrote:
>> Ok, I buy that reason for leaving the ASF controlled mechanism.
>> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 2:16 PM Chris Hostetter <>
>> wrote:
>>> : Is there any reason at all that we need to hold on to JIRA? ASF allows
>>> : us to move all issue handling over to GH, I'd like us to consider such
>>> a
>>> : move.
>>> In my opinion, migrating from JIRA to Github "issues" would be a
>>> terrible
>>> idea.
>>> I have no objections to the goal of "encouraging" and "facilitating"
>>> contributions via github from people already using github -- but making
>>> github the defacto (or *sole*) way to participate and contribute code
>>> means pressuring people into accepting the github TOS (not just
>>> now, but whatever those might be in the future) as well as making it
>>> virtually impossible for people to participate if they are in locations
>>> github has decided to block (ie: Iran, Syria, and Crimea ATM + whomever
>>> else the US decides to sanction down the road)
>>> Opening up, or expanding, pathways for participation is one thing --
>>> I'm all in favor of that (even if I personally can't stand those
>>> avenues).
>>> But *closing* existing path ways that are currently entirely "open" and
>>> "free" to anyone that wants to participate w/o any limitations or TOS
>>> other then "Provide an ASF controled and owned website with an email
>>> address" ... that's just sad.
>>> -Hoss
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>> --
>> Anshum Gupta
> --
> - Mark
- Mark

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