agree with david
as your schedule gets packed there are more than a few that are willing to 
pickup the slack
if the branch is checked-in and labelled we can tackle what needs to be done
From: David Smiley <>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2019 2:13 AM
To: Mark Miller <>
Cc: Lucene Dev <>
Subject: Re: The Lucene Solr Gradle Build Game plan

Thanks for your efforts Mark!

Why has the migration to Gradle somehow been blocked by performance 
improvements to Solr's tests?
What are the blockers to the Gradle branch being merged to master?  It's an 
experimental shadow build, so... none?

I appreciate you want everything to be great from the beginning but I think 
it's better to try and find that subjective line where it's good enough to be 
committed then iterated on in follow-up issues.

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 1:30 AM Mark Miller 
<<>> wrote:
Hello Dawid, I'm sorry about the absence. I had a two week trip to SF and that 
tends to steal my mind, thank god something does.

Yes, I have local changes that you should likely wait for.

There is a substantial issue with how I was mapping our directory names to 
project names. That issue led to allowing some funny things and so addressing 
it makes the build a bit to a lot less silly. Sorry Tomoko Uchida :(

Anyway, I had to pause Gradle when I remembered that Solr tests are only slow 
for silly or broken reasons.

So I worked on that and then I remember that about a year and a half ago I had 
realized SolrCloud was seriously rotting in come very core and key areas. At 
the time I spent a lot of effort on my Starburst branch addressing some 
fundamental problems and patterns. I then had a 6 week sabbatical and 3 week 
movie making trip. Though my own lack of care, I lost all that work and mostly 
forgot about the whole thing.

Coming back to that, after wasting a lot of effort trying to find my previous 
work, I set off to duplicate that work and hopefully take it a bit further. I 
really can't work on anything unless until that is on a clear path to being 
addressed unless someone attached to my livelihood forces me.

Meanwhile, I'll be gone half of November on across the world vacation and 
December is always a mess.

On the plus side, the gradle build has gotten some great testing, but I'm 
little fuzzy on when I'm ready. I will certainly be separating out these 
efforts. So I'll be extracting the gradle changes to the gradle branch and 
keeping my new state as a separate branch.

- Mark

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