Hi Erick,

OK I pushed a fix!  See if it decreases the failure rate for those newly
bad apples?

Sorry and thanks :)

Mike McCandless


On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 1:06 PM Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>

> Mike:
> I have no idea. Hoss’ rollups don’t link back to builds, they
> just aggregate the results.
> Not a huge deal if it’s something like this of course. Let’s just
> say I’ve had my share or “moments” ;).
> And unfortunately, the test failures are pretty rare on a
> percentage basis, so it’s hard to tell.
> I’m watching LUCENE-9191 and I’ll look back at Hoss’ rollups
> a day after you push it and see if the failures disappear.
> It’ll take a while for the fixes to roll through all the reporting.
> Tell you what. I’ll try beasting one of the classes that fails a lot and
> then
> try it again after you push LUCENE-9191 and we’ll go from there.
> Thanks for getting into this so promptly!
> Erick
> > On May 4, 2020, at 9:10 AM, Michael McCandless <
> luc...@mikemccandless.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Erick,
> >
> > It's possible this was the root cause of many of the failures:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9191
> >
> > Do these transient failures look something like this?
> >
> >    [junit4]    > Throwable #1: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException:
> Input length = 1
> >    [junit4]    >        at
> __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([172C6414BE5E2A2C:E5829DFC005A1F0]:0)
> >    [junit4]    >        at
> java.base/java.nio.charset.CoderResult.throwException(CoderResult.java:274)
> >    [junit4]    >        at
> java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:339)
> >    [junit4]    >        at
> java.base/sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:178)
> >    [junit4]    >        at java.base/java.io
> .InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:185)
> >    [junit4]    >        at java.base/java.io
> .BufferedReader.fill(BufferedReader.java:161)
> >    [junit4]    >        at java.base/java.io
> .BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:326)
> >    [junit4]    >        at java.base/java.io
> .BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:392)
> >    [junit4]    >        at
> org.apache.lucene.util.LineFileDocs.open(LineFileDocs.java:175)
> >    [junit4]    >        at
> org.apache.lucene.util.LineFileDocs.<init>(LineFileDocs.java:65)
> >    [junit4]    >        at
> org.apache.lucene.util.LineFileDocs.<init>(LineFileDocs.java:69)
> >
> >
> > If so, then it is likely the root cause ... I'm working on a fix.  Sorry!
> >
> > Mike McCandless
> >
> > http://blog.mikemccandless.com
> >
> >
> > On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 7:54 AM Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I don’t know whether we had some temporary glitch that broke lots of
> tests and they’ve been fixed or we had a major regression, but this needs
> to be addressed ASAP if they’re still failing. See everything below the
> this e-mail. I’ll raise a JIRA if we can’t get some traction quickly here.
> >
> > Hey, stuff happens. there’s no problem with tests going totally weird
> for a while. If you can say “Oh, yeah, all those failures for class XYZ are
> probably fixed” that’s fine.
> >
> > Gosh-a-rooni, I hope my logging changes aren’t the culprit (gulp)….
> >
> > Hoss’ rolllup for the last 24 hours is not encouraging in terms of the
> > problem already being fixed. There are lots of failures in some
> > classes, notably:
> >
> > CloudHttp2SolrClientTest
> > CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest
> > DeleteReplicaTest
> > TestDocCollectionWatcher
> >
> > Unfortunately, the failure rate is not very high so reliably
> > reproducing is hard.
> >
> > I’ve reproduced the last week’s failure in this e-mail, full
> > report attached.
> >
> > Here’s Hoss’ rollup:
> > http://fucit.org/solr-jenkins-reports/failure-report.html
> >
> > Usual synopsis:
> >
> > Raw fail count by week totals, most recent week first (corresponds to
> bits):
> > Week: 0  had  343 failures
> > Week: 1  had  86 failures
> > Week: 2  had  78 failures
> > Week: 3  had  117 failures
> >
> >
> > ********Failures in Hoss' reports for the last 4 rollups.
> >
> > There were 497 unannotated tests that failed in Hoss' rollups. Ordered
> by the date I downloaded the rollup file, newest->oldest. See above for the
> dates the files were collected
> > These tests were NOT BadApple'd or AwaitsFix’d
> >
> > Failures in the last 4 reports..
> >    Report   Pct     runs    fails           test
> >      0123   0.7     1617     11
> ConnectionManagerTest.testReconnectWhenZkDisappeared
> >      0123   1.5     1606     12
> ExecutePlanActionTest.testTaskTimeout
> >      0123   1.6     1320     19      MultiThreadedOCPTest.test
> >      0123   1.0     1620     13      RollingRestartTest.test
> >      0123   1.2     1617     12
> SearchRateTriggerTest.testWaitForElapsed
> >      0123   3.8      119      7
> ShardSplitTest.testSplitWithChaosMonkey
> >      0123   0.3     1519      7      TestInPlaceUpdatesDistrib.test
> >      0123   0.7     1629     14
> TestIndexWriterDelete.testDeleteAllNoDeadLock
> >      0123   2.4     1548     18      TestPackages.testPluginLoading
> >      0123   0.3     1587      4      UnloadDistributedZkTest.test
> > ********************************************
> >
> > Look particularly at the ones with only a zero in the “Report” column,
> those are
> > failures that were _not_ in the previous 3 week’s rollups.
> >
> >    Report   Pct     runs    fails           test
> >      012    0.5     1165      4      CustomHighlightComponentTest.test
> >      012    1.0     1168      6
> NodeMarkersRegistrationTest.testNodeMarkersRegistration
> >      012    1.0     1170      8      TestCryptoKeys.test
> >      01 3   0.7     1233     11
> LeaderFailoverAfterPartitionTest.test
> >      01 3  63.2      102     39      StressHdfsTest.test
> >      01     0.3      709      2
> ScheduledTriggerIntegrationTest.testScheduledTrigger
> >      01     0.2      768      2      ShardRoutingTest.test
> >      01     2.6      807     22      TestAllFilesHaveChecksumFooter.test
> >      01     2.6      808     22      TestAllFilesHaveCodecHeader.test
> >      01     0.2      769      2      TestCloudSchemaless.test
> >      01     0.2      769      2
> TestDynamicLoading.testDynamicLoading
> >      01     0.3      707      2
> TestDynamicLoadingUrl.testDynamicLoadingUrl
> >      01     0.5      767      4      TestPointFields.testFloatPointStats
> >      01    27.1       83     19      TestSQLHandler.doTest
> >      01     0.2      794     12      TestSameScoresWithThreads.test
> >      01     2.6      806     22      TestShardSearching.testSimple
> >      01     0.5      726      4      TestSimScenario.testSplitShard
> >      01     1.1      726      7      TestSimScenario.testSuggestions
> >      01     0.3      771      2
> TestWithCollection.testAddReplicaSimple
> >      0 23   0.3     1223      4
> CdcrVersionReplicationTest.testCdcrDocVersions
> >      0 23   0.8     1172      6
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testRetryUpdatesWhenClusterStateIsStale
> >      0 23   1.4     1202      8
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testColStatus
> >      0 23   1.0     1249     11      HttpPartitionTest.test
> >      0 23   1.1     1210      8
> HttpPartitionWithTlogReplicasTest.test
> >      0 23   0.5     1258      4
> ShardSplitTest.testSplitShardWithRuleLink
> >      0 23   0.2     1231      4
> TestQueryingOnDownCollection.testQueryToDownCollectionShouldFailFast
> >      0 23   0.2     1232      6      TestSolrConfigHandlerCloud.test
> >      0 2    0.3      767      2
> DocValuesNotIndexedTest.testGroupingDVOnlySortLast
> >      0 2    0.3      750      2      TestLBHttp2SolrClient.testTwoServers
> >      0 2    0.3      794      2      TestSolrCloudSnapshots.testSnapshots
> >      0 2   40.7       51     12
> TestXYMultiPolygonShapeQueries.testRandomBig
> >      0  3   0.2      842      2
> ConnectionManagerTest.testLikelyExpired
> >      0  3   0.2      835      3
> LeaderElectionIntegrationTest.testSimpleSliceLeaderElection
> >      0  3   0.3      832      3      ReplaceNodeTest.test
> >      0  3   0.3      826      2
> SolrCloudReportersTest.testExplicitConfiguration
> >      0  3   0.2      833      2
> TestPullReplicaErrorHandling.testCantConnectToLeader
> >      0  3   2.4      867     21      TestRandomChains.testRandomChains
> >      0  3   0.5      830      3
> TestWithCollection.testMoveReplicaMainCollection
> >
> >
> >      0      0.3      361      1
> AutoAddReplicasIntegrationTest.testClusterPropOverridesCollecitonProp
> >      0      2.9      380     11      BasicDistributedZkTest.test
> >      0      0.2      404      1      BasicZkTest.testBasic
> >      0      0.2      414      1
> ChaosMonkeySafeLeaderWithPullReplicasTest.test
> >      0     62.8      853    536      CheckHdfsIndexTest.doTest
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.checkCollectionParameters
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.customHttpClientTest
> >      0      1.1      355      4
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.preferLocalShardsTest
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.preferReplicaTypesTest
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.singleShardedPreferenceRules
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.stateVersionParamTest
> >      0      1.1      355      4
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testAliasHandling
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testCollectionDoesntExist
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testInitializationWithSolrUrls
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testNonRetryableRequests
> >      0      1.1      355      4
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testOverwriteOption
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testParallelUpdateQTime
> >      0      0.6      355      2      CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testRouting
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testShutdown
> >      0      0.6      355      2
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testVersionsAreReturned
> >      0      0.8      355      3
> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testWrongZkChrootTest
> >      0      0.5      392      2
> CloudSolrClientTest.checkCollectionParameters
> >      0      0.3      392      1
> CloudSolrClientTest.preferLocalShardsTest
> >      0      0.3      392      1
> CloudSolrClientTest.preferReplicaTypesTest
> >      0      0.3      357      1
> CloudSolrClientTest.singleShardedPreferenceRules
> >      0      0.5      392      2
> CloudSolrClientTest.stateVersionParamTest
> >      0      0.5      392      2
> CloudSolrClientTest.testAliasHandling
> >      0      0.3      392      1
> CloudSolrClientTest.testInitializationWithSolrUrls
> >      0      0.3      392      1
> CloudSolrClientTest.testNonRetryableRequests
> >      0      0.3      392      1
> CloudSolrClientTest.testOverwriteOption
> >      0      0.3      392      1
> CloudSolrClientTest.testParallelUpdateQTime
> >      0      0.3      357      1      CloudSolrClientTest.testPing
> >      0      0.5      392      2
> CloudSolrClientTest.testRetryUpdatesWhenClusterStateIsStale
> >      0      0.3      392      1      CloudSolrClientTest.testShutdown
> >      0      0.5      392      2
> CloudSolrClientTest.testVersionsAreReturned
> >      0      0.3      392      1
> CloudSolrClientTest.testWrongZkChrootTest
> >      0      0.3      399      1
> CollectionsAPIAsyncDistributedZkTest.testSolrJAPICalls
> >      0      1.3      397      5
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.addReplicaTest
> >      0      0.8      397      3
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.deleteCollectionOnlyInZk
> >      0      1.0      397      4
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.deleteCollectionRemovesStaleZkCollectionsNode
> >      0      0.8      397      3
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.deletePartiallyCreatedCollection
> >      0      0.3      397      1
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testBadActionNames
> >      0      0.8      397      3
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCollectionReload
> >      0      1.0      397      4
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCollectionsAPI
> >      0      1.3      397      5
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCoresAreDistributedAcrossNodes
> >      0      1.0      397      4
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCreateNodeSet
> >      0      1.3      397      5
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCreateShouldFailOnExistingCore
> >      0      0.3      397      1
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCreationAndDeletion
> >      0      0.5      397      2
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testDeleteNonExistentCollection
> >      0      0.8      397      3
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testMaxNodesPerShard
> >      0      0.8      397      3
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testMissingNumShards
> >      0      0.5      397      2
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testMissingRequiredParameters
> >      0      0.8      397      3
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testNoConfigSetExist
> >      0      0.8      397      3
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testSpecificConfigsets
> >      0      0.8      397      3
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testTooManyReplicas
> >      0      1.0      397      4
> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testZeroNumShards
> >      0      0.7      405      3
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testAddAndDeleteReplica
> >      0      0.2      405      1
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testAddAndDeleteReplicaProp
> >      0      0.7      405      3
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testBalanceShardUnique
> >      0      0.5      405      2
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCloudInfoInCoreStatus
> >      0      1.5      405      6
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testClusterProp
> >      0      0.5      405      2
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCollectionProp
> >      0      0.5      405      2
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateAndDeleteAlias
> >      0      0.5      405      2
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateAndDeleteCollection
> >      0      0.7      405      3
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateCollWithDefaultClusterPropertiesNewFormat
> >      0      1.7      405      7
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateCollWithDefaultClusterPropertiesOldFormat
> >      0      0.7      405      3
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateCollectionWithPropertyParam
> >      0      1.5      405      6
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateWithDefaultConfigSet
> >      0      1.9      370      7
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testDeleteAliasedCollection
> >      0      1.2      405      5      CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testList
> >      0      1.0      405      4
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testModifyCollectionAttribute
> >      0      1.2      405      5
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testOverseerStatus
> >      0      0.8      370      3
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testReadOnlyCollection
> >      0      1.6      370      6
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testRenameCollection
> >      0      0.7      405      3
> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testSplitShard
> >      0      0.5      366      2      ComputePlanActionTest.testNodeAdded
> >      0      1.1      376      4
> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteLiveReplicaTest
> >      0      1.5      411      6
> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaAndVerifyDirectoryCleanup
> >      0      0.5      411      2
> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaByCount
> >      0      0.5      376      2
> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaByCountForAllShards
> >      0      1.2      411      5
> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaFromClusterState
> >      0      1.5      411      6
> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaFromClusterStateLegacy
> >      0      1.7      411      7
> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaOnIndexing
> >      0      0.8      376      3
> DeleteReplicaTest.raceConditionOnDeleteAndRegisterReplica
> >      0      1.3      376      5
> DeleteReplicaTest.raceConditionOnDeleteAndRegisterReplicaLegacy
> >      0      0.7      405      3      DeleteShardTest.test
> >      0      0.2      405      1
> DeleteShardTest.testDirectoryCleanupAfterDeleteShard
> >      0      0.5      366      2
> DistribDocExpirationUpdateProcessorTest.testBasicAuth
> >      0      0.5      366      2
> DistribDocExpirationUpdateProcessorTest.testNoAuth
> >      0      0.2      402      1
> DistributedQueueTest.testDistributedQueue
> >      0      0.7      402      3
> DistributedQueueTest.testDistributedQueueBlocking
> >      0      0.7      402      3
> DistributedQueueTest.testDistributedQueueCache
> >      0      0.2      402      1
> DistributedQueueTest.testLeakChildWatcher
> >      0      0.5      402      2
> DistributedQueueTest.testLocallyOffer
> >      0      0.7      402      3
> DistributedQueueTest.testPeekElements
> >      0      0.2      403      1      ExecutePlanActionTest.testExecute
> >      0      0.5      403      2
> ExecutePlanActionTest.testIntegration
> >      0      0.7      403      3      ExecutePlanActionTest.testTaskFail
> >      0      0.3      370      1
> IndexSizeTriggerSizeEstimationTest.testEstimatedIndexSize
> >      0      0.3      366      1
> IndexSizeTriggerTest.testInvalidSplitConfig
> >      0      0.3      366      1
> IndexSizeTriggerTest.testMergeIntegration
> >      0      0.3      366      1      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testSplitConfig
> >      0      0.3      366      1
> IndexSizeTriggerTest.testSplitIntegration
> >      0      0.3      366      1      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testTrigger
> >      0      0.3      366      1
> IndexSizeTriggerTest.testValidProperties
> >      0      0.3      360      1
> JWTAuthPluginIntegrationTest.infoRequestWithoutToken
> >      0      0.3      360      1
> JWTAuthPluginIntegrationTest.testMetrics
> >      0      0.2      403      1      LeaderElectionTest.testBasic
> >      0      0.5      403      2
> LeaderElectionTest.testCancelElection
> >      0      0.5      403      2      LeaderElectionTest.testElection
> >      0      0.5      403      2
> LeaderElectionTest.testParallelElection
> >      0      0.5      403      2
> LeaderElectionTest.testStressElection
> >      0      0.2      404      1
> LeaderFailureAfterFreshStartTest.test
> >      0      0.3      367      1      MoveReplicaTest.testFailedMove
> >      0      0.3      362      1      NestedShardedAtomicUpdateTest.test
> >      0      0.5      400      2
> NodeAddedTriggerIntegrationTest.testNodeAddedTriggerRestoreState
> >      0      0.3      398      1
> NodeAddedTriggerTest.testListenerAcceptance
> >      0      0.3      398      1
> NodeAddedTriggerTest.testRestoreState
> >      0      0.3      398      1      NodeAddedTriggerTest.testTrigger
> >      0      0.3      397      1
> NodeLostTriggerIntegrationTest.testNodeLostTriggerRestoreState
> >      0      0.3      398      1
> OutOfBoxZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testOpenACLUnsafeAllover
> >      0      0.3      398      1
> OutOfBoxZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testOutOfBoxSolrZkClient
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testAllCredentialsSolrZkClientFactoryUsingCompletelyNewProviders
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testAllCredentialsSolrZkClientFactoryUsingVMParamsProvidersButWithDifferentVMParamsNames
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testNoCredentialsSolrZkClientFactoryUsingCompletelyNewProviders
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testReadonlyCredentialsSolrZkClientFactoryUsingCompletelyNewProviders
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testReadonlyCredentialsSolrZkClientFactoryUsingVMParamsProvidersButWithDifferentVMParamsNames
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testWrongCredentialsSolrZkClientFactoryUsingCompletelyNewProviders
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testWrongCredentialsSolrZkClientFactoryUsingVMParamsProvidersButWithDifferentVMParamsNames
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverseerTaskQueueTest.testDistributedQueueCache
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> OverseerTaskQueueTest.testLocallyOffer
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> PingRequestHandlerTest.testPingInClusterWithNoHealthCheck
> >      0      0.5      398      2      RecoveryAfterSoftCommitTest.test
> >      0      0.5      396      2      ReplicationFactorTest.test
> >      0      0.7      412      3      ShardSplitTest.testSplitLocking
> >      0      0.8      377      3
> ShardSplitTest.testSplitMixedReplicaTypes
> >      0      0.5      411      2
> ShardSplitTest.testSplitStaticIndexReplication
> >      0      0.3      353      1      SolrZkClientTest.getConfig
> >      0      0.3      353      1      SolrZkClientTest.testWrappingWatches
> >      0      0.3      398      1
> SpatialHeatmapFacetsTest.testClassicFacets
> >      0      0.3      398      1
> SpatialHeatmapFacetsTest.testJsonFacets
> >      0      0.3     1194      3      SpatialHeatmapFacetsTest.testPng
> >      0      1.0      209      2
> StreamDecoratorTest.testParallelTerminatingDaemonUpdateStream
> >      0      0.3      397      1      SystemLogListenerTest.test
> >      0      0.5      388      2
> TestCloudCollectionsListeners.testCollectionDeletion
> >      0      0.3      388      1
> TestCloudCollectionsListeners.testSimpleCloudCollectionsListener
> >      0      0.3      397      1
> TestCloudConsistency.testOutOfSyncReplicasCannotBecomeLeaderAfterRestart
> >      0      0.3      396      1
> TestCloudSearcherWarming.testPeersyncFailureReplicationSuccess
> >      0      0.8      354      3
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testCanWaitForNonexistantCollection
> >      0      0.8      354      3
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testCollectionWatchWithShutdownOfActiveNode
> >      0      0.8      354      3
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testCollectionWatchWithShutdownOfUnusedNode
> >      0      0.8      389      3
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testDeletionsTriggerWatches
> >      0      0.6      354      2
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testLiveNodeChangesTriggerWatches
> >      0      0.8      389      3
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testPredicateFailureTimesOut
> >      0      0.8      389      3
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testStateWatcherChecksCurrentStateOnRegister
> >      0      0.8      389      3
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testWaitForStateChecksCurrentState
> >      0      0.8      389      3
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testWaitForStateWatcherIsRetainedOnPredicateFailure
> >      0      0.5      389      2
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testWatcherIsRemovedAfterTimeout
> >      0      0.5      389      2
> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testWatchesWorkForStateFormat1
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> TestCollectionsAPIViaSolrCloudCluster.testCollectionCreateSearchDelete
> >      0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testCreate
> >      0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testList
> >      0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testUpload
> >      0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testUploadDisabled
> >      0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testUploadErrors
> >      0      0.3      399      1
> TestConfigSetsAPI.testUploadWithScriptUpdateProcessor
> >      0      0.3      399      1
> TestConfigSetsAPI.testUserAndTestDefaultConfigsetsAreSame
> >      0      0.3      400      1      TestDistribDocBasedVersion.test
> >      0      0.3      354      1
> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testCanWaitForNonexistantCollection
> >      0      0.6      354      2
> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testDeletionsTriggerWatches
> >      0      0.6      354      2
> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testPredicateFailureTimesOut
> >      0      0.6      354      2
> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testStateWatcherChecksCurrentStateOnRegister
> >      0      0.6      354      2
> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testWaitForStateChecksCurrentState
> >      0      0.6      354      2
> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testWaitForStateWatcherIsRetainedOnPredicateFailure
> >      0      0.6      354      2
> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testWatcherIsRemovedAfterTimeout
> >      0      0.6      354      2
> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testWatchesWorkForStateFormat1
> >      0     14.3       21      3
> TestDocTermOrdsUninvertLimit.testTriggerUnInvertLimit
> >      0      0.2      414      1
> TestDuelingCodecs.testCrazyReaderEquals
> >      0      4.5       22      1
> TestDuelingCodecsAtNight.testCrazyReaderEquals
> >      0      0.2      419      1
> TestIndexWriterWithThreads.testIOExceptionDuringWriteSegmentWithThreads
> >      0      0.3      352      1      TestJaegerConfigurator.testInjected
> >      0      0.3      387      1      TestLTROnSolrCloud.testSimpleQuery
> >      0      1.2      402      5      TestPointFields.testDoublePointStats
> >      0      0.2      402      1
> TestPointFields.testIntPointFieldMultiValuedRangeFacet
> >      0      1.0      406      4
> TestRandomDVFaceting.testRandomFaceting
> >      0      0.5      380      2      TestSimScenario.testAutoAddReplicas
> >      0      0.3      397      1
> TestSimTriggerIntegration.testCooldown
> >      0      0.2      419      1
> TestSimpleExplanationsWithFillerDocs.testMultiFieldBQofPQ5
> >      0      0.2      402      1      TestSolrConfigHandlerConcurrent.test
> >      0      0.5      366      2
> TestWithCollection.testAddReplicaWithPolicy
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> TestWithCollection.testCreateCollection
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> TestWithCollection.testCreateCollectionNoWithCollection
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> TestWithCollection.testDeleteWithCollection
> >      0      0.3      400      1
> TestWithCollection.testMoveReplicaWithCollection
> >      0      0.3      366      1      TestWithCollection.testNodeAdded
> >      0      0.2      401      1      ZkCLITest.testInvalidZKAddress
> >      0      0.2      401      1      ZkCLITest.testPutFile
> >      0      0.3      394      1      ZkSolrClientTest.testMakeRootNode
> >      0      0.3      394      1      ZkSolrClientTest.testReconnect
> >      0      0.3      394      1      ZkSolrClientTest.testWatchChildren
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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