Thanks Uwe and Mike. I’ll check Hoss’ rollups regularly this week, it’ll be 
tomorrow (Wednesday) before Uwe’s changes get a chance to be reflected there.

And FWIW, I beasted one of the failing suites last night _without_ Mike’s 
changes and didn’t get any failures so I can’t say anything about whether 
Mike’s changes helped or not.

Side note: I’m seeing about 40% of the tests throw an NPE in both before and 
after but the tests succeed, so I’d guess it’s totally unrelated, at  glance, 
the replica is being unloaded and the replication handler hasn’t stopped yet:

   [junit4]   2> 33676 INFO  (qtp1195412159-1051) [n:     ] 
o.a.s.s.HttpSolrCall [admin] webapp=null path=/admin/cores 
 status=0 QTime=0
   [junit4]   2> 33746 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758845055723 UNLOAD) 
[n:    x:replicaTypesTestColl_shard3_replica_n12 ] 
o.a.s.m.SolrMetricManager Closing metric reporters for 
registry=solr.core.replicaTypesTestColl.shard3.replica_n12 tag=null
   [junit4]   2> 33746 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758845055723 UNLOAD) 
[n:    x:replicaTypesTestColl_shard3_replica_n12 ] 
o.a.s.m.r.SolrJmxReporter Closing reporter 
[org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.SolrJmxReporter@57b06a4b: rootName = 
solr_49614, domain = solr.core.replicaTypesTestColl.shard3.replica_n12, service 
url = null, agent id = null] for registry 
   [junit4]   2> 33746 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758844417043 UNLOAD) 
[n:     ] o.a.s.c.SolrCore 
[replicaTypesTestColl_shard1_replica_n1]  CLOSING SolrCore 
   [junit4]   2> 33748 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758844946997 UNLOAD) 
[n:    x:replicaTypesTestColl_shard2_replica_t8 ] 
o.a.s.m.SolrMetricManager Closing metric reporters for 
registry=solr.core.replicaTypesTestColl.shard2.replica_t8 tag=null
   [junit4]   2> 33748 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758844761938 UNLOAD) 
[n:    x:replicaTypesTestColl_shard1_replica_t2 ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkController replicaTypesTestColl_shard1_replica_t2 stopping background 
replication from leader
   [junit4]   2> 33749 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758844946997 UNLOAD) 
[n:    x:replicaTypesTestColl_shard2_replica_t8 ] 
o.a.s.m.r.SolrJmxReporter Closing reporter 
[org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.SolrJmxReporter@534a73a: rootName = 
solr_49612, domain = solr.core.replicaTypesTestColl.shard2.replica_t8, service 
url = null, agent id = null] for registry 
   [junit4]   2> 33749 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758844761938 UNLOAD) 
[n:     ] o.a.s.c.SolrCore 
[replicaTypesTestColl_shard1_replica_t2]  CLOSING SolrCore 
   [junit4]   2> 33750 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758844836987 UNLOAD) 
[n:    x:replicaTypesTestColl_shard1_replica_p4 ] 
o.a.s.m.SolrMetricManager Closing metric reporters for 
registry=solr.core.replicaTypesTestColl.shard1.replica_p4 tag=null
   [junit4]   2> 33750 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758844903977 UNLOAD) 
[n:     ] o.a.s.c.SolrCore 
[replicaTypesTestColl_shard2_replica_n6]  CLOSING SolrCore 
   [junit4]   2> 33750 INFO  
9929b23d-8505-48a5-841a-0992da1af4752119758844836987 UNLOAD) 
[n:    x:replicaTypesTestColl_shard1_replica_p4 ] 
o.a.s.m.r.SolrJmxReporter Closing reporter 
[org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.SolrJmxReporter@1f2a6e95: rootName = 
solr_49613, domain = solr.core.replicaTypesTestColl.shard1.replica_p4, service 
url = null, agent id = null] for registry 
 [junit4]   2> 33770 ERROR (indexFetcher-621-thread-1) [n:  
   ] o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler Index fetch failed 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at 
   [junit4]   2>        at java.base/
   [junit4]   2> 

> On May 5, 2020, at 4:33 AM, Uwe Schindler <> wrote:
> Hi,
> there was also a problem with the Windows Node. It ran out of disk space, 
> because some test seem to have filled up all of the disk. All followup builds 
> failed. I cleaned all Workspaces (8.x, master) and it freed 20 Gigabytes!
> Uwe
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
> eMail:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Erick Erickson <>
>> Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 1:54 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: PLEASE READ! BadApple report. Last week was horrible!
>> I don’t know whether we had some temporary glitch that broke lots of tests
>> and they’ve been fixed or we had a major regression, but this needs to be
>> addressed ASAP if they’re still failing. See everything below the line "ALL 
>> OF
>> I’ll raise a JIRA if we can’t get some traction quickly here.
>> Hey, stuff happens. there’s no problem with tests going totally weird for a
>> while. If you can say “Oh, yeah, all those failures for class XYZ are 
>> probably
>> fixed” that’s fine.
>> Gosh-a-rooni, I hope my logging changes aren’t the culprit (gulp)….
>> Hoss’ rolllup for the last 24 hours is not encouraging in terms of the
>> problem already being fixed. There are lots of failures in some
>> classes, notably:
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest
>> DeleteReplicaTest
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher
>> Unfortunately, the failure rate is not very high so reliably
>> reproducing is hard.
>> I’ve reproduced the last week’s failure in this e-mail, full
>> report attached.
>> Here’s Hoss’ rollup:
>> Usual synopsis:
>> Raw fail count by week totals, most recent week first (corresponds to bits):
>> Week: 0  had  343 failures
>> Week: 1  had  86 failures
>> Week: 2  had  78 failures
>> Week: 3  had  117 failures
>> ********Failures in Hoss' reports for the last 4 rollups.
>> There were 497 unannotated tests that failed in Hoss' rollups. Ordered by the
>> date I downloaded the rollup file, newest->oldest. See above for the dates 
>> the
>> files were collected
>> These tests were NOT BadApple'd or AwaitsFix’d
>> Failures in the last 4 reports..
>>   Report   Pct     runs    fails           test
>>     0123   0.7     1617     11
>> ConnectionManagerTest.testReconnectWhenZkDisappeared
>>     0123   1.5     1606     12      ExecutePlanActionTest.testTaskTimeout
>>     0123   1.6     1320     19      MultiThreadedOCPTest.test
>>     0123   1.0     1620     13      RollingRestartTest.test
>>     0123   1.2     1617     12      SearchRateTriggerTest.testWaitForElapsed
>>     0123   3.8      119      7      ShardSplitTest.testSplitWithChaosMonkey
>>     0123   0.3     1519      7      TestInPlaceUpdatesDistrib.test
>>     0123   0.7     1629     14      
>> TestIndexWriterDelete.testDeleteAllNoDeadLock
>>     0123   2.4     1548     18      TestPackages.testPluginLoading
>>     0123   0.3     1587      4      UnloadDistributedZkTest.test
>> ********************************************
>> Look particularly at the ones with only a zero in the “Report” column, those 
>> are
>> failures that were _not_ in the previous 3 week’s rollups.
>>   Report   Pct     runs    fails           test
>>     012    0.5     1165      4      CustomHighlightComponentTest.test
>>     012    1.0     1168      6
>> NodeMarkersRegistrationTest.testNodeMarkersRegistration
>>     012    1.0     1170      8      TestCryptoKeys.test
>>     01 3   0.7     1233     11      LeaderFailoverAfterPartitionTest.test
>>     01 3  63.2      102     39      StressHdfsTest.test
>>     01     0.3      709      2
>> ScheduledTriggerIntegrationTest.testScheduledTrigger
>>     01     0.2      768      2      ShardRoutingTest.test
>>     01     2.6      807     22      TestAllFilesHaveChecksumFooter.test
>>     01     2.6      808     22      TestAllFilesHaveCodecHeader.test
>>     01     0.2      769      2      TestCloudSchemaless.test
>>     01     0.2      769      2      TestDynamicLoading.testDynamicLoading
>>     01     0.3      707      2      
>> TestDynamicLoadingUrl.testDynamicLoadingUrl
>>     01     0.5      767      4      TestPointFields.testFloatPointStats
>>     01    27.1       83     19      TestSQLHandler.doTest
>>     01     0.2      794     12      TestSameScoresWithThreads.test
>>     01     2.6      806     22      TestShardSearching.testSimple
>>     01     0.5      726      4      TestSimScenario.testSplitShard
>>     01     1.1      726      7      TestSimScenario.testSuggestions
>>     01     0.3      771      2      TestWithCollection.testAddReplicaSimple
>>     0 23   0.3     1223      4      
>> CdcrVersionReplicationTest.testCdcrDocVersions
>>     0 23   0.8     1172      6
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testRetryUpdatesWhenClusterStateIsStale
>>     0 23   1.4     1202      8      CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testColStatus
>>     0 23   1.0     1249     11      HttpPartitionTest.test
>>     0 23   1.1     1210      8      HttpPartitionWithTlogReplicasTest.test
>>     0 23   0.5     1258      4      ShardSplitTest.testSplitShardWithRuleLink
>>     0 23   0.2     1231      4
>> TestQueryingOnDownCollection.testQueryToDownCollectionShouldFailFast
>>     0 23   0.2     1232      6      TestSolrConfigHandlerCloud.test
>>     0 2    0.3      767      2
>> DocValuesNotIndexedTest.testGroupingDVOnlySortLast
>>     0 2    0.3      750      2      TestLBHttp2SolrClient.testTwoServers
>>     0 2    0.3      794      2      TestSolrCloudSnapshots.testSnapshots
>>     0 2   40.7       51     12      
>> TestXYMultiPolygonShapeQueries.testRandomBig
>>     0  3   0.2      842      2      ConnectionManagerTest.testLikelyExpired
>>     0  3   0.2      835      3
>> LeaderElectionIntegrationTest.testSimpleSliceLeaderElection
>>     0  3   0.3      832      3      ReplaceNodeTest.test
>>     0  3   0.3      826      2      
>> SolrCloudReportersTest.testExplicitConfiguration
>>     0  3   0.2      833      2
>> TestPullReplicaErrorHandling.testCantConnectToLeader
>>     0  3   2.4      867     21      TestRandomChains.testRandomChains
>>     0  3   0.5      830      3      
>> TestWithCollection.testMoveReplicaMainCollection
>>     0      0.3      361      1
>> AutoAddReplicasIntegrationTest.testClusterPropOverridesCollecitonProp
>>     0      2.9      380     11      BasicDistributedZkTest.test
>>     0      0.2      404      1      BasicZkTest.testBasic
>>     0      0.2      414      1      
>> ChaosMonkeySafeLeaderWithPullReplicasTest.test
>>     0     62.8      853    536      CheckHdfsIndexTest.doTest
>>     0      0.8      355      3      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.checkCollectionParameters
>>     0      0.8      355      3      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.customHttpClientTest
>>     0      1.1      355      4      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.preferLocalShardsTest
>>     0      0.8      355      3      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.preferReplicaTypesTest
>>     0      0.8      355      3
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.singleShardedPreferenceRules
>>     0      0.8      355      3      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.stateVersionParamTest
>>     0      1.1      355      4      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testAliasHandling
>>     0      0.8      355      3      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testCollectionDoesntExist
>>     0      0.8      355      3
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testInitializationWithSolrUrls
>>     0      0.8      355      3      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testNonRetryableRequests
>>     0      1.1      355      4      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testOverwriteOption
>>     0      0.8      355      3      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testParallelUpdateQTime
>>     0      0.6      355      2      CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testRouting
>>     0      0.8      355      3      CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testShutdown
>>     0      0.6      355      2      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testVersionsAreReturned
>>     0      0.8      355      3      
>> CloudHttp2SolrClientTest.testWrongZkChrootTest
>>     0      0.5      392      2      
>> CloudSolrClientTest.checkCollectionParameters
>>     0      0.3      392      1      CloudSolrClientTest.preferLocalShardsTest
>>     0      0.3      392      1      
>> CloudSolrClientTest.preferReplicaTypesTest
>>     0      0.3      357      1      
>> CloudSolrClientTest.singleShardedPreferenceRules
>>     0      0.5      392      2      CloudSolrClientTest.stateVersionParamTest
>>     0      0.5      392      2      CloudSolrClientTest.testAliasHandling
>>     0      0.3      392      1      
>> CloudSolrClientTest.testInitializationWithSolrUrls
>>     0      0.3      392      1      
>> CloudSolrClientTest.testNonRetryableRequests
>>     0      0.3      392      1      CloudSolrClientTest.testOverwriteOption
>>     0      0.3      392      1      
>> CloudSolrClientTest.testParallelUpdateQTime
>>     0      0.3      357      1      CloudSolrClientTest.testPing
>>     0      0.5      392      2
>> CloudSolrClientTest.testRetryUpdatesWhenClusterStateIsStale
>>     0      0.3      392      1      CloudSolrClientTest.testShutdown
>>     0      0.5      392      2      
>> CloudSolrClientTest.testVersionsAreReturned
>>     0      0.3      392      1      CloudSolrClientTest.testWrongZkChrootTest
>>     0      0.3      399      1
>> CollectionsAPIAsyncDistributedZkTest.testSolrJAPICalls
>>     0      1.3      397      5      
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.addReplicaTest
>>     0      0.8      397      3
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.deleteCollectionOnlyInZk
>>     0      1.0      397      4
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.deleteCollectionRemovesStaleZkCollectionsNo
>> de
>>     0      0.8      397      3
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.deletePartiallyCreatedCollection
>>     0      0.3      397      1
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testBadActionNames
>>     0      0.8      397      3
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCollectionReload
>>     0      1.0      397      4      
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCollectionsAPI
>>     0      1.3      397      5
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCoresAreDistributedAcrossNodes
>>     0      1.0      397      4      
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCreateNodeSet
>>     0      1.3      397      5
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCreateShouldFailOnExistingCore
>>     0      0.3      397      1
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testCreationAndDeletion
>>     0      0.5      397      2
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testDeleteNonExistentCollection
>>     0      0.8      397      3
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testMaxNodesPerShard
>>     0      0.8      397      3
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testMissingNumShards
>>     0      0.5      397      2
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testMissingRequiredParameters
>>     0      0.8      397      3
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testNoConfigSetExist
>>     0      0.8      397      3
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testSpecificConfigsets
>>     0      0.8      397      3
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testTooManyReplicas
>>     0      1.0      397      4      
>> CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testZeroNumShards
>>     0      0.7      405      3      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testAddAndDeleteReplica
>>     0      0.2      405      1
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testAddAndDeleteReplicaProp
>>     0      0.7      405      3      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testBalanceShardUnique
>>     0      0.5      405      2      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCloudInfoInCoreStatus
>>     0      1.5      405      6      CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testClusterProp
>>     0      0.5      405      2      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCollectionProp
>>     0      0.5      405      2      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateAndDeleteAlias
>>     0      0.5      405      2
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateAndDeleteCollection
>>     0      0.7      405      3
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateCollWithDefaultClusterPropertiesNewFormat
>>     0      1.7      405      7
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateCollWithDefaultClusterPropertiesOldFormat
>>     0      0.7      405      3
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateCollectionWithPropertyParam
>>     0      1.5      405      6
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testCreateWithDefaultConfigSet
>>     0      1.9      370      7      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testDeleteAliasedCollection
>>     0      1.2      405      5      CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testList
>>     0      1.0      405      4
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testModifyCollectionAttribute
>>     0      1.2      405      5      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testOverseerStatus
>>     0      0.8      370      3      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testReadOnlyCollection
>>     0      1.6      370      6      
>> CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testRenameCollection
>>     0      0.7      405      3      CollectionsAPISolrJTest.testSplitShard
>>     0      0.5      366      2      ComputePlanActionTest.testNodeAdded
>>     0      1.1      376      4      DeleteReplicaTest.deleteLiveReplicaTest
>>     0      1.5      411      6
>> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaAndVerifyDirectoryCleanup
>>     0      0.5      411      2      DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaByCount
>>     0      0.5      376      2      
>> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaByCountForAllShards
>>     0      1.2      411      5      
>> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaFromClusterState
>>     0      1.5      411      6
>> DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaFromClusterStateLegacy
>>     0      1.7      411      7      DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaOnIndexing
>>     0      0.8      376      3
>> DeleteReplicaTest.raceConditionOnDeleteAndRegisterReplica
>>     0      1.3      376      5
>> DeleteReplicaTest.raceConditionOnDeleteAndRegisterReplicaLegacy
>>     0      0.7      405      3      DeleteShardTest.test
>>     0      0.2      405      1
>> DeleteShardTest.testDirectoryCleanupAfterDeleteShard
>>     0      0.5      366      2
>> DistribDocExpirationUpdateProcessorTest.testBasicAuth
>>     0      0.5      366      2
>> DistribDocExpirationUpdateProcessorTest.testNoAuth
>>     0      0.2      402      1      DistributedQueueTest.testDistributedQueue
>>     0      0.7      402      3      
>> DistributedQueueTest.testDistributedQueueBlocking
>>     0      0.7      402      3      
>> DistributedQueueTest.testDistributedQueueCache
>>     0      0.2      402      1      DistributedQueueTest.testLeakChildWatcher
>>     0      0.5      402      2      DistributedQueueTest.testLocallyOffer
>>     0      0.7      402      3      DistributedQueueTest.testPeekElements
>>     0      0.2      403      1      ExecutePlanActionTest.testExecute
>>     0      0.5      403      2      ExecutePlanActionTest.testIntegration
>>     0      0.7      403      3      ExecutePlanActionTest.testTaskFail
>>     0      0.3      370      1
>> IndexSizeTriggerSizeEstimationTest.testEstimatedIndexSize
>>     0      0.3      366      1      
>> IndexSizeTriggerTest.testInvalidSplitConfig
>>     0      0.3      366      1      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testMergeIntegration
>>     0      0.3      366      1      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testSplitConfig
>>     0      0.3      366      1      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testSplitIntegration
>>     0      0.3      366      1      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testTrigger
>>     0      0.3      366      1      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testValidProperties
>>     0      0.3      360      1
>> JWTAuthPluginIntegrationTest.infoRequestWithoutToken
>>     0      0.3      360      1      JWTAuthPluginIntegrationTest.testMetrics
>>     0      0.2      403      1      LeaderElectionTest.testBasic
>>     0      0.5      403      2      LeaderElectionTest.testCancelElection
>>     0      0.5      403      2      LeaderElectionTest.testElection
>>     0      0.5      403      2      LeaderElectionTest.testParallelElection
>>     0      0.5      403      2      LeaderElectionTest.testStressElection
>>     0      0.2      404      1      LeaderFailureAfterFreshStartTest.test
>>     0      0.3      367      1      MoveReplicaTest.testFailedMove
>>     0      0.3      362      1      NestedShardedAtomicUpdateTest.test
>>     0      0.5      400      2
>> NodeAddedTriggerIntegrationTest.testNodeAddedTriggerRestoreState
>>     0      0.3      398      1      
>> NodeAddedTriggerTest.testListenerAcceptance
>>     0      0.3      398      1      NodeAddedTriggerTest.testRestoreState
>>     0      0.3      398      1      NodeAddedTriggerTest.testTrigger
>>     0      0.3      397      1
>> NodeLostTriggerIntegrationTest.testNodeLostTriggerRestoreState
>>     0      0.3      398      1
>> OutOfBoxZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testOpenACLUnsafeAllover
>>     0      0.3      398      1
>> OutOfBoxZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testOutOfBoxSolrZkClient
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testAllCredentialsSolrZkClientFac
>> toryUsingCompletelyNewProviders
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testAllCredentialsSolrZkClientFac
>> toryUsingVMParamsProvidersButWithDifferentVMParamsNames
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testNoCredentialsSolrZkClientFa
>> ctoryUsingCompletelyNewProviders
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testReadonlyCredentialsSolrZkCli
>> entFactoryUsingCompletelyNewProviders
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testReadonlyCredentialsSolrZkCli
>> entFactoryUsingVMParamsProvidersButWithDifferentVMParamsNames
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testWrongCredentialsSolrZkClien
>> tFactoryUsingCompletelyNewProviders
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest.testWrongCredentialsSolrZkClien
>> tFactoryUsingVMParamsProvidersButWithDifferentVMParamsNames
>>     0      0.3      400      1      
>> OverseerTaskQueueTest.testDistributedQueueCache
>>     0      0.3      400      1      OverseerTaskQueueTest.testLocallyOffer
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> PingRequestHandlerTest.testPingInClusterWithNoHealthCheck
>>     0      0.5      398      2      RecoveryAfterSoftCommitTest.test
>>     0      0.5      396      2      ReplicationFactorTest.test
>>     0      0.7      412      3      ShardSplitTest.testSplitLocking
>>     0      0.8      377      3      ShardSplitTest.testSplitMixedReplicaTypes
>>     0      0.5      411      2      
>> ShardSplitTest.testSplitStaticIndexReplication
>>     0      0.3      353      1      SolrZkClientTest.getConfig
>>     0      0.3      353      1      SolrZkClientTest.testWrappingWatches
>>     0      0.3      398      1      
>> SpatialHeatmapFacetsTest.testClassicFacets
>>     0      0.3      398      1      SpatialHeatmapFacetsTest.testJsonFacets
>>     0      0.3     1194      3      SpatialHeatmapFacetsTest.testPng
>>     0      1.0      209      2
>> StreamDecoratorTest.testParallelTerminatingDaemonUpdateStream
>>     0      0.3      397      1      SystemLogListenerTest.test
>>     0      0.5      388      2      
>> TestCloudCollectionsListeners.testCollectionDeletion
>>     0      0.3      388      1
>> TestCloudCollectionsListeners.testSimpleCloudCollectionsListener
>>     0      0.3      397      1
>> TestCloudConsistency.testOutOfSyncReplicasCannotBecomeLeaderAfterRestart
>>     0      0.3      396      1
>> TestCloudSearcherWarming.testPeersyncFailureReplicationSuccess
>>     0      0.8      354      3
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testCanWaitForNonexistantCollection
>>     0      0.8      354      3
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testCollectionWatchWithShutdownOfActiveNode
>>     0      0.8      354      3
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testCollectionWatchWithShutdownOfUnusedNod
>> e
>>     0      0.8      389      3
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testDeletionsTriggerWatches
>>     0      0.6      354      2
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testLiveNodeChangesTriggerWatches
>>     0      0.8      389      3
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testPredicateFailureTimesOut
>>     0      0.8      389      3
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testStateWatcherChecksCurrentStateOnRegister
>>     0      0.8      389      3
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testWaitForStateChecksCurrentState
>>     0      0.8      389      3
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testWaitForStateWatcherIsRetainedOnPredicateF
>> ailure
>>     0      0.5      389      2
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testWatcherIsRemovedAfterTimeout
>>     0      0.5      389      2
>> TestCollectionStateWatchers.testWatchesWorkForStateFormat1
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> TestCollectionsAPIViaSolrCloudCluster.testCollectionCreateSearchDelete
>>     0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testCreate
>>     0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testList
>>     0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testUpload
>>     0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testUploadDisabled
>>     0      0.3      399      1      TestConfigSetsAPI.testUploadErrors
>>     0      0.3      399      1
>> TestConfigSetsAPI.testUploadWithScriptUpdateProcessor
>>     0      0.3      399      1
>> TestConfigSetsAPI.testUserAndTestDefaultConfigsetsAreSame
>>     0      0.3      400      1      TestDistribDocBasedVersion.test
>>     0      0.3      354      1
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testCanWaitForNonexistantCollection
>>     0      0.6      354      2
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testDeletionsTriggerWatches
>>     0      0.6      354      2
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testPredicateFailureTimesOut
>>     0      0.6      354      2
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testStateWatcherChecksCurrentStateOnRegister
>>     0      0.6      354      2
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testWaitForStateChecksCurrentState
>>     0      0.6      354      2
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testWaitForStateWatcherIsRetainedOnPredicateFail
>> ure
>>     0      0.6      354      2
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testWatcherIsRemovedAfterTimeout
>>     0      0.6      354      2
>> TestDocCollectionWatcher.testWatchesWorkForStateFormat1
>>     0     14.3       21      3
>> TestDocTermOrdsUninvertLimit.testTriggerUnInvertLimit
>>     0      0.2      414      1      TestDuelingCodecs.testCrazyReaderEquals
>>     0      4.5       22      1      
>> TestDuelingCodecsAtNight.testCrazyReaderEquals
>>     0      0.2      419      1
>> TestIndexWriterWithThreads.testIOExceptionDuringWriteSegmentWithThreads
>>     0      0.3      352      1      TestJaegerConfigurator.testInjected
>>     0      0.3      387      1      TestLTROnSolrCloud.testSimpleQuery
>>     0      1.2      402      5      TestPointFields.testDoublePointStats
>>     0      0.2      402      1
>> TestPointFields.testIntPointFieldMultiValuedRangeFacet
>>     0      1.0      406      4      TestRandomDVFaceting.testRandomFaceting
>>     0      0.5      380      2      TestSimScenario.testAutoAddReplicas
>>     0      0.3      397      1      TestSimTriggerIntegration.testCooldown
>>     0      0.2      419      1
>> TestSimpleExplanationsWithFillerDocs.testMultiFieldBQofPQ5
>>     0      0.2      402      1      TestSolrConfigHandlerConcurrent.test
>>     0      0.5      366      2      
>> TestWithCollection.testAddReplicaWithPolicy
>>     0      0.3      400      1      TestWithCollection.testCreateCollection
>>     0      0.3      400      1
>> TestWithCollection.testCreateCollectionNoWithCollection
>>     0      0.3      400      1      
>> TestWithCollection.testDeleteWithCollection
>>     0      0.3      400      1      
>> TestWithCollection.testMoveReplicaWithCollection
>>     0      0.3      366      1      TestWithCollection.testNodeAdded
>>     0      0.2      401      1      ZkCLITest.testInvalidZKAddress
>>     0      0.2      401      1      ZkCLITest.testPutFile
>>     0      0.3      394      1      ZkSolrClientTest.testMakeRootNode
>>     0      0.3      394      1      ZkSolrClientTest.testReconnect
>>     0      0.3      394      1      ZkSolrClientTest.testWatchChildren
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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