On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 1:17 AM Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> I think the presence of Solr in the codebase
> has diluted Lucene's releases, making them come far too quickly.  I
> would bet that without Solr, Lucene would probably be somewhere in 6.x,
> not 8.x.

Actually I think that Lucene would be on 8.x without Solr too. We did:
 - 5.0 to drop support for 3.x indices,
 - 6.0 to introduce points and require Java 8+,
 - 7.0 to introduce doc-value iterators and change how norms are encoded,
 - 8.0 for impacts / block-max WAND, which required breaking changes on the
Similarity API.

It would have been challenging to expose these changes with fewer major
releases without significantly delaying some very appealing features, which
has downsides too.


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