Would this not be eased to some extent if the initial committer base
of both the projects was the same?

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 10:44 PM Jason Gerlowski <gerlowsk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There's nothing wrong with a harsh "sink or swim" approach if the
> risks are bearable.  If the worst case risk here is that we have a few
> rough releases as we smooth out the process, I'm all on board with
> "sink or swim".  But by the same token - "sink or swim" gets less
> appealing as the risks increase.   No sane person would toss their PFD
> after a shipwreck because they always meant to learn to backstroke.
> So maybe we just disagree on what the worst case harm to Solr looks
> like.  I see the harm being pretty serious: if Solr stagnates its
> Lucene version relative to other offerings users could go elsewhere
> and the project would lose out on adoption and community.  A Very Bad
> Thing.  But if you don't see this as even a remote possibility, well
> then "sink or swim" makes sense.
> > I'd be OK with a stable, robust Solr that got 1-2 major versions behind 
> > Lucene, but was rock-solid with a lower barrier to entry...
> If that's an option, I might be too.  But I'm not sure how a
> Lucene-Solr split (or an older Lucene version) does anything to make
> Solr more solid, lower its barrier to entry, etc.  Anecdotally, Solr
> bugs rooted in Lucene seem the minority by far.  And Solr committers
> can put effort into stability/barrier-to-entry as easily now as they
> can in a post-split world.  Is there some connection between the split
> and the those -ilities that I'm missing?
> > I choose to be more optimistic wrt «Solr committers» ability to integrate 
> > new and changed Lucene APIs in Solr
> I agree that Solr committers _can_ do this work, and that there are
> some awesome committers who straddle the fence and know Lucene very
> well.  I wasn't trying to impugn anyone's efforts, interest or
> expertise.  My point was just that at the end of the day a split
> leaves fewer people around Solr with knowledge of the Lucene APIs and
> their perf implications.  And a split is going to burden those
> remaining people heavily until the roster of Lucene-literate Solr
> committers re-populates.
> On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 10:29 AM Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:
> >
> > I choose to be more optimistic wrt «Solr committers» ability to integrate 
> > new and changed Lucene APIs in Solr. You do not need to be a Lucene 
> > committer in order to learn how to USE the Lucene APIs, and I believe there 
> > are several «Solr committers» who already posess those skills and are 
> > pretty deep in Lucene already. Hopefully they are interested in doing 
> > lucene upgrades for Solr, even if that some times includes implementing 
> > support for a new fieldType (points vs trie), getting rid of 
> > index-time-boost features etc. I may even attempt some of those tasks 
> > myself for the areas of Lucene API I am comfortable with.
> >
> > Jan
> >
> > 13. mai 2020 kl. 16:24 skrev Doug Turnbull 
> > <dturnb...@opensourceconnections.com>:
> >
> > Jason, I hear your arguments and think of them FOR a split
> >
> > This might sound a bit harsh, but maybe Lucene devs helping with Solr has 
> > let Solr off the hook a bit too much? I actually like the fact that the 
> > split causes Solr to figure out it's own situation and focus on its 
> > problems.
> >
> > Regardless of the split or not, Solr is going to sink or swim based on the 
> > efforts of Solr committers, not Lucene committers. I don't think Lucene 
> > committers are going to be the ones to really address the systemic issues 
> > with Solr. If anything, I imagine they are "let me fix this so the code 
> > compiles" level of maintenance.
> >
> > "Falling behind Lucene" is counterbalanced to me with "Should Solr be on 
> > cutting-edge Lucene?"
> >
> > I'd be OK with a stable, robust Solr that got 1-2 major versions behind 
> > Lucene, but was rock-solid with a lower barrier to entry...
> >
> > On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 10:07 AM Jason Gerlowski <gerlowsk...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Wanted to add my two cents to the mix, though I'm a little late as the
> >> vote has already progressed pretty far.
> >>
> >> I'm against a split.  From the points raised, I agree that Lucene has
> >> much to gain.  But Solr has a lot to lose.
> >>
> >> Lucene devs would be freed from keeping Solr usage up to date.  That's
> >> a great improvement for Lucene itself.  But that burden doesn't
> >> disappear - it's just being moved to a different (smaller) group of
> >> committers - who by definition don't know Lucene as well, and are less
> >> suited to the task.  (Lucene devs still might help post-split, but
> >> given that avoiding this burden is one of the arguments made above for
> >> a split, it seems unwise to assume how much this generosity will
> >> continue.)
> >>
> >> One likely result is that Solr will fall behind Lucene. Possibly
> >> permanently behind.  Lucene folks are doing great work to improve
> >> perf, add features etc. so falling behind is a Very Bad Thing.  To
> >> Solr, Lucene is not the same as Jetty or Jackson which Solr can fall
> >> behind on without significant detriment.  Lucene and the core search
> >> functionality it offers is what brings people to Solr (or Elastic).
> >> Putting ourselves in a position to fall behind on Lucene does a huge
> >> disservice to our users, and loses Solr one of its greatest
> >> advantages.
> >>
> >> I hope that in the case of a split, the Solr community would rise to
> >> the occasion and prevent this.  But my personal judgement is that it's
> >> unlikely.  I hate to be negative, and I hope to be proven wrong, but
> >> that's how things look to me.  We (Solr folks) have a bad track record
> >> of addressing things with less-tangible, less-sellable benefits.  Take
> >> our ongoing test flakiness woes and SolrCloud instability issues as
> >> examples: both are serious threats to the project, both have been
> >> around for years, and both are here to stay for the foreseeable
> >> future.
> >>
> >> If conditions were different in a way that made "falling behind" less
> >> likely, I'd be all for a split.  But given (1) our recent track record
> >> of addressing these sort of issues, (2) our test flakiness which will
> >> make identifying "Lucene snapshot upgrade" bugs exceedingly difficult,
> >> and (3) the current economic conditions which may make it harder for
> >> committers to negotiate time from their employers to work on Lucene
> >> updates...now seems like a bad time to attempt a split.  It will harm
> >> Solr more than it helps Lucene.
> >>
> >> On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 3:37 PM Namgyu Kim <kng0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > It's hard to make a decision because it seems to have pros and cons.
> >> > Basically, I agree to separate but there are some questions.
> >> > So I don't not vote right now.
> >> >
> >> > 1) Release version
> >> > Currently, versions of Lucene and Solr are aligned, how will they be 
> >> > managed in the future?
> >> > Other people took Elasticsearch as an example... But it was an 
> >> > independent project from the beginning.
> >> > So there is no problem with the Lucene version. (Elasticsearch 7.7 and 
> >> > Lucene 8.5.1)
> >> > I'm sure if we make solr as an independent project, it will make cracks 
> >> > about the version structure. (like Lucene 8.6.2 and Solr 8.9.1)
> >> > But it's also strange to suddenly start a new version of the Solr. (Solr 
> >> > 1.0)
> >> > Of course it's a matter of adaption, but it's likely to cause some 
> >> > confusion for existing users.
> >> >
> >> > 2) Complementary relationship
> >> > When Lucene and Solr are built together, Solr can always maintain the 
> >> > latest Lucene.
> >> > In my personal opinion, it's a great advantage of Solr.
> >> > Because Solr doesn't have to suffer from Lucene API changes and has 
> >> > latest library.
> >> > But it will be difficult if Solr becomes independent.
> >> > If Solr tracks the master branch of Lucene on separate 
> >> > repository(project), can it always check and reflect Lucene's API 
> >> > changes?
> >> >
> >> > On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 10:12 PM Doug Turnbull 
> >> > <dturnb...@opensourceconnections.com> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> I'll give a perspective that comes more from the user's / "market" 
> >> >> point of view as at OSC we onboard lots of new organizations into Solr.
> >> >>
> >> >> - Most new users incorrectly think of Solr as an independent Apache 
> >> >> project, and many will have little knowledge or awareness of Lucene 
> >> >> itself until given the full history of Lucene, Solr, Elasticsearch... 
> >> >> or they have to dive into the code/write a plugin
> >> >>
> >> >> - Most orgs / managers think in terms of "Solr" (as in "Solr" vs 
> >> >> "Elasticsearch" vs "Vespa, etc). So the starting point for new devs / 
> >> >> folks is from the Solr angle
> >> >>
> >> >> - Lucene, when discussed, is understood more colloquially as a Solr 
> >> >> dependency
> >> >>
> >> >> - If someone brings down the code to do some kind of work or 
> >> >> investigation, there's typically surprise that Lucene and Solr are 
> >> >> bundled together.
> >> >>
> >> >> - There's further surprise as the projects are indeed so different: 
> >> >> Lucene and Solr tests, for example look little alike. They seem to have 
> >> >> different coding syles / practices. One has more server-like and 
> >> >> distributed system concerns; the other is clearly a low-level library 
> >> >> for doing search work...
> >> >>
> >> >> I personally have a hard time explaining to new users the rationale for 
> >> >> keeping these together, and it only increases the barrier to entry (to 
> >> >> both projects) to have this added complexity of two very different code 
> >> >> bases munged together.
> >> >>
> >> >> Just my 2 cents...
> >> >> -Doug
> >> >>
> >> >> On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 7:30 AM Alan Woodward <romseyg...@gmail.com> 
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> One advantage I find with the way Elasticsearch and Lucene interact is 
> >> >>> that ES doesn’t depend on the master branch.  We upgrade our master 
> >> >>> branch frequently to keep up to date with the latest release branch, 
> >> >>> and that lets us find regressions or API problems pretty quickly, but 
> >> >>> it also insulates us from having to make big changes immediately.  I 
> >> >>> find this really useful for things like deprecations.  Let’s say we 
> >> >>> deprecate a particular API in the release branch, and remove it 
> >> >>> entirely in master.  Currently, that means Solr needs to immediately 
> >> >>> switch over to the new API in its master branch.  But the whole point 
> >> >>> of doing deprecations first is that it gives users time to find issues 
> >> >>> with the replacements - if we find that the replacement API doesn’t 
> >> >>> quite fit in ES, we have time to work out either how to change our 
> >> >>> code, or to improve the new API, but because the deprecated version is 
> >> >>> still there we’re not blocked from upgrading and getting other 
> >> >>> improvements.  Solr, meanwhile, may end up with a hacky workaround 
> >> >>> because that’s what got tests passing for the Lucene developer; or 
> >> >>> worse, we end up just copying the deprecated API wholesale into Solr 
> >> >>> and abandoning it there - witness TrieField or UninvertingReader.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> > On 11 May 2020, at 19:05, Atri Sharma <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > My two cents:
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > As a Lucene heavy developer, I have several found maintaining Solr
> >> >>> > dependencies while making large changes a bit cumbersome. I believe
> >> >>> > Lucene and Solr should exist in a symbiotic relationship but not
> >> >>> > tightly coupled with each other.
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 7:22 PM Erik Hatcher 
> >> >>> > <erik.hatc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> Without reading much or replying to any specific points made on 
> >> >>> >> this thread, here's my raw thoughts on this age-old topic.... 
> >> >>> >> (finally  coming out of my cocoon after taking things in for a bit)
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> Solr is a search -server- with distributed capabilities, that 
> >> >>> >> leverages the magic of Lucene underneath.  Solr depends on Lucene, 
> >> >>> >> is a consumer of it.  Lucene is a tight search -library- with 
> >> >>> >> little to no external dependencies.  Their purposes and end-users 
> >> >>> >> are different.
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> I was never really for the grand unification of Lucene and Solr 
> >> >>> >> back in the day because:
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> - Solr's developer experience would be greatly streamlined, faster, 
> >> >>> >> cleaner, leaner, and focused
> >> >>> >> - Having Lucene change when Solr doesni't (yet) adapt to those 
> >> >>> >> changes leads to confusion and inconsistency, loose wires hanging 
> >> >>> >> out of the wall unconnected or duct taped together
> >> >>> >> - It simply makes sense to keep Lucene versioned and tightly 
> >> >>> >> controlled for upgrades, various testing configurations varying 
> >> >>> >> Lucene versions, within Solr
> >> >>> >> - Solr could have a very concerted upgrade effort for Lucene 
> >> >>> >> capability jumps, with a focused upgrade effort at the 
> >> >>> >> changed/improved/added touch points just like other dependencies 
> >> >>> >> within Solr (like Tika and Jetty)
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> Those points all kinda say the same thing.... Solr depends on 
> >> >>> >> "lucene.jar" and I'm in the camp that thinks Solr and Lucene 
> >> >>> >> development, communities, and end-users/consumers would all greatly 
> >> >>> >> benefit from a fancy new TLP and focused community for 
> >> >>> >> solr.apache.org and a tight(er) relationship with the Lucene 
> >> >>> >> community as an involved and vested consumer.
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> Erik
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > --
> >> >>> > Regards,
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > Atri
> >> >>> > Apache Concerted
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >> >>>
> >> >>>
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> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> Doug Turnbull | CTO | OpenSource Connections, LLC | 240.476.9983
> >> >> Author: Relevant Search; Contributor: AI Powered Search
> >> >> This e-mail and all contents, including attachments, is considered to 
> >> >> be Company Confidential unless explicitly stated otherwise, regardless 
> >> >> of whether attachments are marked as such.
> >>
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> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Doug Turnbull | CTO | OpenSource Connections, LLC | 240.476.9983
> > Author: Relevant Search; Contributor: AI Powered Search
> > This e-mail and all contents, including attachments, is considered to be 
> > Company Confidential unless explicitly stated otherwise, regardless of 
> > whether attachments are marked as such.
> >
> >
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