Sounds great!  I'll try and be more responsive to any bugs reported through
the bash.
+1 (PMC)

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 11:56 AM Tom DuBuisson <> wrote:

> Lucene Developers,
> As part of our sponsorship of ApacheCon, our company MuseDev is doing a
> Bug Bash for select Apache projects. We'll bring members of the ApacheCon
> community together to find and fix a range of security and performance bugs
> during the conference, and gameify the experience with teams, a
> leaderboard, and prizes. The bash is open to everyone whether attending the
> conference or not, and our whole dev team will also be participating to
> help fix as many bugs as we can.
> We're seeding the bug list with results from Muse, our code analysis
> platform, which runs as a Github App and comments on possible bugs as part
> of the pull request workflow.  Here's an example of what it looks like:
> We explored a number of Apache projects and are reaching out because our
> analysis through Muse found some interesting bugs that could be fixed
> during the Bash.  If this sounds familiar it's because I've been talking a
> bit on this mailing list about Muse already. There has already been a bug
> fix based on the tool findings, a prior conversation "Code Analysis during
> CI?", and a PR adding configuration information for the GitHub App.
> We're writing to see if you'd be interested in having your project
> included in the Bash. Everything is set up on our end, and while we're
> already working with the infrastructure team to get lucene-solr added (with
> the PR and other conversation as evidence of support) it would help if you
> say yes on this listserv as a clear signal to the Apache Infrastructure
> team to grant Muse access to your Github mirror.
> We'll then make sure it's all set-up and ready for the Bash. And of
> course, everyone on the project is most welcome to join the Bash and help
> us smash some bugs.
> -Tom

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